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Soooo how are we matching wars now??? This has to be a glitch, bug, fluke...
Member Posts: 8
I’m Marvel Misfits 3 mil alliance (silver 2) and I’m fighting a 13 mil (gold 1 alliance).
Luckily the "ultra-smart" AW match-making machine didn't match our alliance to Platinum tier this round. Now sure if it'll screw with us next round or not? ...
This is a 1 bg war... so I don’t know either. Lol
NOT EVEN CLOSE! Haha if we won it would have been 108 pts. If we lose it only takes 8 pts awAy....
It may be, but I’ve never see this before. We usually get a 5 mil and that’s all.. but seeing the war, I ‘bout 🤮 lol.
Don't let the Alliance player rating fool you. Doesn't mean they are as strong as you think. If you are only doing 1 BG, then you still have a good chance of winning.
The war rating isnt even close to where they should be competing against a 1700+ rating alliance.
If you just round your war rating to 1500 and round their war rating to 1500, then it's a perfect match
But at least you won’t lose many points with a loss. The loss of time sucks. Kabam needs to find a way to let leaders forfeit a match so your champs aren’t locked for 24 hrs.
So tell me how it works old wise one.
Yeah my alliance is in Tier 9, was Gold 3 for the season, is at 5.5m rating, and we have a 1304 war rating. Anything above 1k is honestly like Russian Roulette when your rating is that low and you're doing 1bg. You also have 20 members so add on an average of 100k maybe and boom you're up a million lol.
If you're over the underdog spot, I truly feel that. Take some losses in the off season so you have a chance of getting momentum when the season starts.