Trading champions in alliances

Hey, as the title already states, I feel kabam should implement this function. It would be fun and interactive. I feel the community will embrace this and maybe lighten the mood in the game and our pockets.

Maybe I'm still drunk and I'm in a nice dream right now, but could you imagine the money and whales you could attract? For example let's say I have a 5 star Blade and someone in my alliance has a 5 star Stark Spidey, there could be an option that if we want to execute a equal trade, we would have to pay you (kabam) let's say it would cost 2,000 units. Then I'm happy and he or she is happy. But like I said I could be in bed dreaming about a hangover.


  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Yep. I’m gonna take my second account with 12 ish mediocre 5* champs and swap them for the best champions in the game. Once I’ve done that I can beat act 5, LoL all over again and get double rewards!
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  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    edited July 2018
    Whataduck wrote: »
    Yep. I’m gonna take my second account with 12 ish mediocre 5* champs and swap them for the best champions in the game. Once I’ve done that I can beat act 5, LoL all over again and get double rewards!

    I said equal in value, genius. Not give up 12 champs for one. Please learn to read what I said. Thank you.

    And I said 12 mediocre champions for the best “champions”, emphasis on the plural. Meaning the 12 best champions in the game, genius. Please learn to read what I said. Thank you.

    Your idea is still terrible.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    your idea is just to swap good champions for bad champions, why would anyone want to swap a good one?

    All it will be is someone making a new account, pulling a few 5* and then either swapping all their good champs from their main profile to the second one to get all the act 5, LoL and act 4 rewards again. Or, if I pull a blade on a second account I can just send that to my main one in place of a she hulk. Trading champions in this game will never work, or be implemented.
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  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Whataduck wrote: »
    your idea is just to swap good champions for bad champions, why would anyone want to swap a good one?

    All it will be is someone making a new account, pulling a few 5* and then either swapping all their good champs from their main profile to the second one to get all the act 5, LoL and act 4 rewards again. Or, if I pull a blade on a second account I can just send that to my main one in place of a she hulk. Trading champions in this game will never work, or be implemented.

    I never said swap bad champions to good champions SMH. I said equal in value. One champ for another. I really want a Hyperion just because I always liked that character. I don't mind giving up a Medusa for him, because they're similar in value.

    There are ways kabam can make sure you're not trading with your secondary account.
    Value is, to some extent, subjective. You’d have to make a system that rates a champion based on how good the playerbase finds them. Which is a waste of time because different people rate different champions higher. How do you decide if Captain marvel is on the same level as TaskMaster? Some might rate TaskMaster way out of cap’s league, but someone who doesn’t like him would rather cap marvel. Who decides which champions are similar in value to another?

    Even Seatin’s tier list gets disagreed with which is widely accepted as a good sort of guideline to which champs are different levels. Every day people ask why X champion isn’t in Y tier. It’s because it’s subjective.

    As you get further in the game people tend to agree more about which champs are good but at the start someone might just really love Hulkbuster and want him, but they aren’t allowed to swap their Captain marvel for him.

    You can’t just decide that one champ is equal in value and that decision is full stop the only one. And if kabam did do that then people would be annoyed. Why is X23 in the same tier as Psylocke (for example), X23 is way better.

    A good champion to someone doing act 3 is anyone who has alright damage. A good champion to someone at the end of the game is utility, damage, healing etc. There’s a huge difference and that is why your idea will never work.
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  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Whataduck wrote: »
    This is a idea I came up for fun. I know it's definitely not happening, but unfortunately some people take this the wrong way in a negative concept. I'm done talking about this.

    If you can’t handle people questioning your idea what’s the point suggesting one? Seems to me you only want people to agree with you no matter what.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    If you want a champion, then grind for him. That is what the game wants you to do
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  • Player1994Player1994 Member Posts: 793 ★★★
    no this is a bad idea no one want this it will make the game umbalanced
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Whataduck wrote: »
    Whataduck wrote: »
    This is a idea I came up for fun. I know it's definitely not happening, but unfortunately some people take this the wrong way in a negative concept. I'm done talking about this.

    If you can’t handle people questioning your idea what’s the point suggesting one? Seems to me you only want people to agree with you no matter what.

    There's a clear distinction from debating to completely being negative about an idea

    I wasn’t negative until you were sarcastic and rude to me. Before that I just pointed out what I would do if your idea was implemented.
  • SuvenduSuvendu Member Posts: 177
    Loollll.... Why moderators didnt closed this discussion already?
  • AddyosAddyos Member Posts: 1,098 ★★★★
    Whataduck wrote: »
    This is a idea I came up for fun. I know it's definitely not happening, but unfortunately some people take this the wrong way in a negative concept. I'm done talking about this.

    Your idea is a negative concept. It imbalances the game. Everybody will just trade champs with each other depending on their needs. Let's look at LoL. Want to beat LoL with the fewest amount of units spent overall? Here have a r5 5* Blade. Want to do LoL in the shortest time available? Here have a r5 5* Stark Spidey or SL. Want to take on Abomination without spending a ton on units? Here have Medusa. Want to fight X-23? Here have Void.

    And don't even talk about someone having a newly obtained 1/1 5* Blade but gets conned into trading it for a 1/1 5* Antman just because they saw the new Antman movie and loved him. They're of similar strength and value at rank 1, no? Well that an exaggeration, but you should get the drift that the game was never designed for trading of champions. This topic has been raised so many times before, and the same response holds every time....No!
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  • Pratik1017Pratik1017 Member Posts: 15
    Trading t4 class catalysts would be great idea rather than champions...
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Whataduck wrote: »
    Whataduck wrote: »
    your idea is just to swap good champions for bad champions, why would anyone want to swap a good one?

    All it will be is someone making a new account, pulling a few 5* and then either swapping all their good champs from their main profile to the second one to get all the act 5, LoL and act 4 rewards again. Or, if I pull a blade on a second account I can just send that to my main one in place of a she hulk. Trading champions in this game will never work, or be implemented.

    I never said swap bad champions to good champions SMH. I said equal in value. One champ for another. I really want a Hyperion just because I always liked that character. I don't mind giving up a Medusa for him, because they're similar in value.

    There are ways kabam can make sure you're not trading with your secondary account.
    Value is, to some extent, subjective. You’d have to make a system that rates a champion based on how good the playerbase finds them. Which is a waste of time because different people rate different champions higher. How do you decide if Captain marvel is on the same level as TaskMaster? Some might rate TaskMaster way out of cap’s league, but someone who doesn’t like him would rather cap marvel. Who decides which champions are similar in value to another?

    Even Seatin’s tier list gets disagreed with which is widely accepted as a good sort of guideline to which champs are different levels. Every day people ask why X champion isn’t in Y tier. It’s because it’s subjective.

    As you get further in the game people tend to agree more about which champs are good but at the start someone might just really love Hulkbuster and want him, but they aren’t allowed to swap their Captain marvel for him.

    You can’t just decide that one champ is equal in value and that decision is full stop the only one. And if kabam did do that then people would be annoyed. Why is X23 in the same tier as Psylocke (for example), X23 is way better.

    A good champion to someone doing act 3 is anyone who has alright damage. A good champion to someone at the end of the game is utility, damage, healing etc. There’s a huge difference and that is why your idea will never work.

    I already found a solution to what you're saying. Remember not to long ago we voted the best champs per class? Two tech were voted as sparky and starlord etc... Understand? The next step would be to vote. For example 4 top champions per class and you can only trade one of those champions for yours. I could trade SL for sparky if the other person agrees. Maybe someone really wants SL and they'd give one up from the voted champs.

    Just thought of this, what about each new champion, do we need to vote every 2 weeks on how good they are. Or when a champ gets nerfed or buffed, do we need to vote then?
  • sd__whitesd__white Member Posts: 182

    Y'all make stuff way more difficult than it has to be, he had a simple request.

    My only opinion is if you trade it has to be the same rank... 5 for 5, 4 for 4 (no pun), 3 for 3, etc
  • Escape2794Escape2794 Member Posts: 87
    Yes I think this can reach out to the community and allow for people to come together on this game to benefit each other.
  • Escape2794Escape2794 Member Posts: 87
    They can also add an iso8 trading system or like a daily t4 login iso8 wheel where you get 1 each day
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  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Whataduck wrote: »
    sd__white wrote: »

    Y'all make stuff way more difficult than it has to be, he had a simple request.

    My only opinion is if you trade it has to be the same rank... 5 for 5, 4 for 4 (no pun), 3 for 3, etc

    Exactly, they were so quick to burn my idea. They're acting as if someone will force them to participate.

    No “they” are acting as though it’s an easily exploitable and badly thought out idea.
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