Reduce Energy Costs for Act 4

Act 4 energy costs are so high for the amount of rewards in the current meta. It takes almost twice as much energy to fully explore Act 4 as it does to fully explore Act 5. There are so many paths and the paths are so long.
Humble suggestion: reduce the energy costs of moving one space in Act 4 from 3 energy to 2 energy. It would still cost a lot more energy to get through Act 4 than it would to get through Act 3, but the total cost of exploring Act 4 would be closer to the cost of Act 5 which I think makes more sense. New players to the game trying to clear content are going to get to Act 4 see how massive it is and many will just skip it because the rewards have not scaled with the growth of the meta. But then they'd be missing out on those 4 mastery points. Difficulty is good but it's just too energy intensive. Given the growth of the game it's reasonable to reduce the energy costs.
Humble suggestion: reduce the energy costs of moving one space in Act 4 from 3 energy to 2 energy. It would still cost a lot more energy to get through Act 4 than it would to get through Act 3, but the total cost of exploring Act 4 would be closer to the cost of Act 5 which I think makes more sense. New players to the game trying to clear content are going to get to Act 4 see how massive it is and many will just skip it because the rewards have not scaled with the growth of the meta. But then they'd be missing out on those 4 mastery points. Difficulty is good but it's just too energy intensive. Given the growth of the game it's reasonable to reduce the energy costs.
Maybe they could have like a week or so where the energy requirements are lowered for act 4 rather than permanently changing it. I believe they did do this once before, do correct me if I'm wrong.
Thank You
Additionally, and I'm sure the designers are aware of this as it's a basic concept in game MMO game design, it should always be possible for new players to advance more quickly than more senior players as you want to be able to feel like it's possible to close the gap between you and those in the lead in the game. If those playing the game for 3 years always have a 3 year head start in roster development over those who start the game today, that's also not fair but in a different way. And... I'm sure you already accept this theory in other ways. For example, anyone who just logged in every day last December would end the month with a 5* champion, even if they had only been playing the game for a month. 2 years ago it would be absolutely impossible to get out of your first month in the game with a 5* unless you were cheating. 4* and 5* shards are now much easier to get than they used to be. This is the same sort of thing.
Although the ''it would not be fair for older players'' argument works for some cases, I believe it does not for this one. Players who have completed act 4 long ago with 3 energy per path already used the rewards and progressed high and above the level of act 4. That is the price you pay for early adoption, being among the first ones to complete content and speed in games that are progressive with their content and power level like MCoC.
Look at World of Warcraft. If you want to be on the cutting edge of the raiding scene you have to face un-nerfed bosses with low gear. But that is why it is cool, you get to say '' I did it when it was cool''. After the cutting edge raiders complete the raids, the bosses are generally nerfed and some catch up mechanics for inexperienced and newer players are added. That is the price cutting edge raiders pay to be, well, cutting edge.
The ''it would not be fair for older players'' argument makes sense for feats of strength where the difficulty of the challenge is static over time. However in this case, act 4 is very easy and the energy requirement is not a feat of strength but rather an annoyance.
I mean where else can you pick up those mastery points. Due to the fact there still in there means it should stay at 3 per time.
If you don't think there worth the effort don't do it.
I don't wish that on anyone so they really aught to reduce the energy cost on act 4.
Exactly. Being a vet myself,
I do agree with OP's sentiments, that if Kabam wants to help accelerate intermediate level players to catch up to vet players (cuz vet rosters would still be 300k+ larger, with 5* r5), this is one way to do it.
I honestly think doing more ways to help beginners/intermediate players would be favorable to Kabam. For example. vet players who decide to quit the game are no longer a source of income, yet fresh players are. Newer players are coming in with a happiness for the game that vets used to havebefore getting more jaded, since the game in it of itself is fun. However, if there is no clear closing of the gap competitively, it'll deter potential spenders who otherwise would've spent, or newer spenders to keep spending after seeing. Heavy spenders will stop spending over time, and newer spenders won't come about.
The beginner/intermediate/newer vet players would still have less skill. Kabam's acceleration would just try to level the playing field, encourage newer spending, and content could just as easily just be made to be much harder content. Basically like any game, kabam needs to keep the carrot close for all players.
The lazy way to do it is just to assume newer players would want to play for 2-3 years to catch up.
One great thing Kabam did was increase AW gold 1 awards. Honestly, they should increase it for all levels below that as well, since at this current stage, there is no way for those players to compete platinum.
Lol. Get over it, everyone else had to.
"Waaaa waaaa waaaaa, paths are so long, make it easier for me waaaa waaaa waaaa, infact just give me the rewards and auto complete it for me please."
As for disregarding the older players and saying that the 3 energy cost is the price for early adoption well that's nonsense. To counter I'd say that the rewards not being great and not as helpful to someone now as they would have been a player a year or so ago is the cost of coming to the contest late. If you joined with the rest of the old players then completing act 4 would have benefited you just as much but that's the price for coming late.
Not happening.
I've completed act 5 already but haven't explored act 4 100% for the same reason! it cost too much energy and with everything else going on in the game like new monthly event quest and side event quest, there is just not enough energy in the day to do it
No not really. I've played with a total of 6 different accounts started at various times. I only fully explored Act 4 with 2 of them. Act 4 is so long and so tedious, and summoner development has accelerated so much in other ways and in other parts of the game, that what happens is you rapidly get to Act 4 but after running through it one time, in the current state of the game, you might very well already have a roster capable of getting through 5.1 and 5.2. Then you're faced with the choice of where to use your energy. Slowly slogging through Act 4 to get rewards that have depreciated? Or beat the Collector, become Uncollected, and start doing monthly Uncollected event quest + working your way through the rest of Act 5. The latter option is extremely better in terms of energy use, and I don't think that really makes much sense.
(the other ways that development has become more rapid include increased amount of 5* and 4* shards everywhere from arena to special events, the introduction of 6* champions which essentially give you a 5* rank 4 champ immediately after opening one, the introduction of Act 5 which has a far better reward:energy ratio than Act 4, better calendar rewards, and the introduction of the Uncollected difficulty in monthly event quest)
If development of new accounts was so slow that you wouldn't be strong enough to take on Act 5 until you had already fully explored Act 4, I'd agree with you. But since Act 4 can take up to a year to fully explore for anyone not playing the game super hardcore, then this will never apply. New accounts are now always going to be in the position of choosing between spending energy on content that benefits them more or spending it fully exploring Act 4.
Why is it there is such a high negative correlation between a poster's level of rudeness, smugness, and condescension... and the value, relevance and accuracy of their posts? It's like the more wrong you are, the more bold you get in expressing that wrong opinion.
Nobody is whining here. We have a few thoughtful people posting constructive well reasoned ideas that would make the game better.
My dude, i AM over it. I have 100%'ed act 4 a long time ago. I am simply pointing out that one of the most influential and highly regarded games in the gaming history is doing things in a different way, a way in which I feel confident that it is the better way.
At the end of the day, Kabam says it wants to remain fresh for the players ideally. The longevity of this game is in their hands. This is just one of the ways they can do so.
Your argument/stance is selfish imo. Vets should realize they've received countless giveaways such as t2a, t4cc, t4b, easy 5* champs, energy refills, etc, new players are never going to get, so that in it of itself makes them years ahead. Sounds like you're taking the position newer players shouldn't get any extra benefits. That they should embrace the fact they won't catch up unless they play 2-3 years is how you get potential players to not play.
Arguably, that's how Kabam can let their game die out.
Overall, I do not consider act 4 quests difficult at all when using a good 4* 4/40 team and extremely easy with maxed out 4* and 5*. Personally, I have not used any units for potions and energy refills(working on it for 3 months with constant breaks for monthly special events) while I only used some healing potions on 4/3/1(damn starburst)...
Pointing out someone whining about the length of Act 4 paths isn't wrong, that's exactly what they're doing. Making it easier/cost less energy doesn't make it better, that's a lazy option.
That's not how things work. You don't come into something people have been playing for years and say "Hey, I only just started, any chance you could just make this section easier for me?"
Couldn't disagree with you more on this. Just because old players went through something doesn't mean younger players do. Older players benefited from having awesome champs like Scarlet Witch, Thor, Doctor Strange and a much smaller pool of champions to get through it also. Does that mean younger players should have the same chance to use them. By that logic every country in the world would need to start World War 3 so that we know and feel the pain our ancestors. The game should be about growth and should adapt to changes.
The game is a grind, totally get that, but Act 4 is grinding your nails on a chalkboard painful. It makes several players want to quit. On top of that, and the rising energy cost to complete AQ's every month (if that player is uncollected gotta do UC mode too now is all my point is on that) it makes for much less time to complete story quests to the building player.
Lol. What about the ridiculous champs they have access to now? Blade, Quake, Ice man, AA. It should be more of a cake walk than ever.
It's slow going but every month I manage heroic, master and uncollected and still manage some time at the end of the month to push through Act 4/Act 5 completion.
you probably didn't play back then, and that's ok. but those champs I listed were much more powerful pre-nerf than any champion we have in game right now. and it wasn't intended to be a main point there because you missed it. Just because someone went through a hurdle prior doesn't mean the next one has to. They need to reduce the cost in Act 4, at least for the first two chapters.
No one even said the quests are hard. In fact they are easy. That’s the discussion that why is content that is easier than act 5 cost more energy and returns less gains. Did you actually read the posts? And I’m uncollected btw. So I have seen the horror of act 5