AQ Yellowjacket map 5 breaking blocks?

Why does map 5 section 3 intersection of path 1/2 break blocks? This has been happening for a while now but only now have I been annoyed enough to ask. He either breaks your block causing you to collapse in anguish or you manage to stay on your feet but he does damage right through you as if you aren't blocking at all, like massive amounts of damage. Kabam...WTF?
No dumbass, not the one before the boss the one well before it at the intersection of path 1/2 like I said in my original post.
Your ability to read and comprehend sentences is just lol.
Thanks, I was trying to find a good pic. Yeah, my alliance members have also stated this happens on occasion as well. I've noticed it occurring when I use my hulk. He just gets steamrolled by blocking it. other times it doesn't happen with I use like 5* WS. So I don't know.
I take that node frequently and never had an issue with it.
This post isn't about "oh no how do I get around that node!" This post is about letting Kabam know that there may be a possible bug on that node.
"Game crashes repeatedly, just don't play the game, simple work around."
"Parry doesn't work, just evade, simple work around."
Thanks for being part of the crowd that just accepts non-functioning gameplay with such original work arounds.
Just make a report to Kabam and hopefully they will address it.