Is that really how that went down?

First node Luke Cage busts Blade in the throat and basically one combo'd him. Next node Hyperion stands around refusing to be baited and busts through a parry and eats everyone else.
Is the expectation really to use revives on the first 2 nodes? If that's the case then why is it limited to 15 items? I'm not terrible lol. I wouldn't have made it anywhere if I was.

Is the expectation really to use revives on the first 2 nodes? If that's the case then why is it limited to 15 items? I'm not terrible lol. I wouldn't have made it anywhere if I was.

Shoot there shouldn't be any item use in war, but what do I know?
I agree lol, but I'm really questioning the difficulty and the way the AI anticipates your movements and uses all of the buffs to their advantage like they're real players, specifically and only in AW. No where else would a 10k 4* unduped Hyperion crush me like that. Ever.
This is AW , the ONLY mode in the game where you actually vs other players, your opposition is able to put specific champions on specific nodes which is what makes AW so difficult.
If you combine this with just average skill you will get rekt a lot of the time... with that being said if youre finding your current teir of AW too hard then step down, If this is the first time something like this has happened then chalk it down to an anomoly on yoir end because characters dont act any differently in AW as they would in a duel.
"Refusing to be baited." I can't be certain because the picture is zoomed in so much, but that configuration of nodes looks like it is path four in the center in section one. It is not my normal path, but my recollection is that the Hyperion in the picture is sitting on an all or nothing node. You can't bait him into using specials on that node, except maybe with a Sparky.
Youre correct with all or nothing although that is only in higher tier wars , Not sure why this guy has brought such low rating champs if it is a high tier war (even if it is GR / Blade) .
Probably not. That combined with what seems to be a rank 3 Blade and rank 2 everything else means it is probably a lower tier war. I'm not sure at what tier all or nothing starts showing up, but if it wasn't all or nothing then I got nothing there.
I also don't know how Luke Cage could get the drop on Blade so quickly. Sure he's bleed immune, but he's also not hard to fight.
Yes this was seatins idea, I don’t like his channel, but I support this idea a lot
My best are on defense. I'm not going to sit here and lie about what tier I'm in, so don't be rude. The defense is using an unduped R4 4* Hyperion. It's tier 9, we're g3, they're g2.
I'd be for it, and I'm sure a lot of the player base would, but with the adding peak milestones they're making sure you're spending credits on those revives and potions so it's actually pay to win and not play to get some glory and have a chance to win. It's clear what direction the game wants and it is a business but damn.
Again, it's tier 9. If your alliance does less with more that's not my problem. Tier 9 isn't a top tier. My masteries are fine with what I have to work with, and since I'm not buying units yet they're as best as I can make them.
That's not the point. The point is if my champs are too low then an R3 4* unduped Hyperion is definitely too low and shouldn't be able to wreck 2 almost full champs like Blade & GR, even if they're R2.
R2 5* > R3 4* even if it looks like algebra, it's not.
Ok let's call it equal lol, no where else in the game would a champ destroy someone like that with that power difference. It's only 10k and they fight like they're 100k.
Even if he's R4 that doesn't change much. The AI in war specifically is tuned way higher than anywhere else and it's kind of ignorant. Instead of always making war harder (because the top tiers 100% the map using tons of units making the war decided by diversity) make it real pvp and reduce the duration to a few hours with lower energy timers. I'd much rather get my face kicked in by another player than a computer that's tuned too high for it's level.
Bases would have been much closer to PvP with earning/paying for node boosts, placement of those boosts and champs. Possible “play style” for the AI such as aggressive, defensive, tendency to use certain SP over others. But that all got nixed.
Exactly, it's not PVP at all. It's PVEAI+ and the placement is half of the challenge/fun but they don't control what the champ does and the champ doesn't play better because the player that put them there is good or bad. That mixed with the bugs and parry/dex issues, overheating iPhone, random crashes, it's absurd sometimes.
To the person asking why my pi is under 5k how about you not be so elitist and don't assume everyone can jump from level 1 to level 60 before they touch aw...
The stepping down will happen naturally.
Some alliances think you have to win every war.
You don't. That's how ratings are determined.
If/when I lose, it's usually because I'm hitting above my weight class.
Which node is this? Middle left, 3rd node before section 2?
Eggsaclee, shouldn't be that much trouble. It's also TIER 9 as I've mentioned 10 times so scouting and assigning paths and absolutely having the exact champs ready to go depending on what path I take aren't exactly things that are going to be reasonable. It's almost like you guys forget the game has points where you aren't stacked and sitting in Master level Tier 3 wars.
Yes, this.
Well honestly, I dont know why you died 3 times. You are pretty under powered but should have been able to take it with blade.
U lied, u said it was an all or nothing node, since it's not you must be in a lower tier, I havent noticed aw being any different and I'm in tier 8