Compensation package poll



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,969 ★★★★★
    That's an expectation. That's not how Compensation works.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,969 ★★★★★
    Anything missed, anything potentially missed. Same thing. As for confidence, that's the point of giving the recompense. That's the acknowledgment.
    That perspective is just adding Stuff+Stuff+Stuff.
  • WOKWOK Member Posts: 468 ★★
    Im sure most wouldn't be happy unless it was a 5* champ. 5* awakening gem of their choice. and a rank up gem on top of that.

    No doubt. There's no way people missed out on those Items within that time span. They weren't even available in any content at the time.

    Why am I 100% sure you are on kabams payroll

    I'm not. It's not that hard to see that people didn't miss out on a full 5* and a 5* AG within the time the game was down.
    People got carried away, and lost sight of the fact that the point is to try and make up for what they missed while the game was down. It's impossible to make everyone happy, or make up for every specific instance. So they have to gauge as much as possible in a general way.
    Then there's the fact that, and let's be honest, they're never going to make some people happy no matter what they give. These people feel they owe them beyond anything they give, and have already resigned to being dissatisfied regardless. Not everyone, of course. You just can't deny they exist. Some people will never be happy. That's a fact.
    I'm not on their payroll. I don't have to be to make that observation. I just have to read the Forum. Lol.

    You know what would have made me happy?
    #1. You staying quiet like you had during the whole time thread after thread was popping up pointing the very reasons why they were fed up and wanting to boycott.
    The peculiar absence of your ridiculous drivel during that time was quite pleasant amidst the tension.
    #2. They never gave us any "compensation", and rather they took accountability for the **** and expedited the patches, fixes, shutdowns whatever, until they got it to an acceptable minimum within an acceptable timeframe of 1 to 2 months tops.

    #3. They never made the mortifying announcement and subsequent retraction of the removal of defender diversity and the absurd reasoning given for the intitial plans to do so that even the blindest of sheep wouldn't be able to follow and defend. Was really hoping that could have been you.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,969 ★★★★★
    That's an expectation. That's not how Compensation works.

    I've worked in various fields of service for most of my adult life. It's exactly how compensation works. Anything missed would be anything you definitely would have gotten: login rewards, rewards from quests or fights you were in etc. Anything potentially missed needs to account for anything you may have gotten but were unable to attempt to get. And the confidence part well, we're long overdue for a make-up package addressing all of the ongoing problems we've seem over the last few months. Overall sentiment is that kabam is pushing a highly flawed product that does not live up to its potential and often not even up to its past glory. Confidence is low. You can't make all of the people happy, but this shamefully puts preference on newer players who haven't yet been disappointed by kabam. Kabams problem is that they refuse to acknowledge their fault in any of this to the appropriate degree and refuse to acknowledge the inherent value of a veteran, dedicated player base.

    It's never enough with situations like this, specifically in this community. Whatever they give, people are inevitably never satisfied. There's always people who think it's "trash". They can't very well give everyone everything in the game because of an outage. As for your referral to what people might have gotten but couldn't try for, that's not feasible. They can't gauge what you would and would not have tried for. That's just a whole level of Miss Cleo that they aren't capable of. They have to go on what you're doing. Your activity at the time of the outage. Honestly, the expectations are out of sync.

    In any event, somehow I feel a Summoner Appreciation on the horizon. Lol. With everything going on lately, I would say it's a possibility. Not a certainty, but it's possible.
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  • WOKWOK Member Posts: 468 ★★
    That's an expectation. That's not how Compensation works.

    I've worked in various fields of service for most of my adult life. It's exactly how compensation works. Anything missed would be anything you definitely would have gotten: login rewards, rewards from quests or fights you were in etc. Anything potentially missed needs to account for anything you may have gotten but were unable to attempt to get. And the confidence part well, we're long overdue for a make-up package addressing all of the ongoing problems we've seem over the last few months. Overall sentiment is that kabam is pushing a highly flawed product that does not live up to its potential and often not even up to its past glory. Confidence is low. You can't make all of the people happy, but this shamefully puts preference on newer players who haven't yet been disappointed by kabam. Kabams problem is that they refuse to acknowledge their fault in any of this to the appropriate degree and refuse to acknowledge the inherent value of a veteran, dedicated player base.

    It's never enough with situations like this, specifically in this community. Whatever they give, people are inevitably never satisfied. There's always people who think it's "trash". They can't very well give everyone everything in the game because of an outage. As for your referral to what people might have gotten but couldn't try for, that's not feasible. They can't gauge what you would and would not have tried for. That's just a whole level of Miss Cleo that they aren't capable of. They have to go on what you're doing. Your activity at the time of the outage. Honestly, the expectations are out of sync.

    In any event, somehow I feel a Summoner Appreciation on the horizon. Lol. With everything going on lately, I would say it's a possibility. Not a certainty, but it's possible.

    "Especially in this community"???? Who hit you in your head so hard that you're obviously delusional and act as if your standing on a soapbox trying to educate a bunch of savages?!?! I disagree with a majority of your views, but still gave you respect as a person, and not that it matters to you, but today you have not only lost it, but you've somehow managed to drop to another level then what I had thought impossible. Who the F are you to say "especially in this community"?!?! This is YOUR community you dumbass, what does thst say about you? Or are you not actually a part of this community??

    It really seems that you are 1 of a few things with comments like that and not realizing the reason for "this communities" frustrations and lack of satisfaction was created by Kabam and exasperated due to Kabams lack of honesty, ethics, and positive actions through the years.

    #1. Like the other guy said you gotta be a shill
    #2. Like I said, someone hit you in the head too hard and you need to seek professional help are just plain ignorant
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,969 ★★★★★
    I'm not going to engage with you unless you have a modicum of respect. I have no idea what you're venting about, but I'm not here to be a target.
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  • Rusty_JudasRusty_Judas Member Posts: 9
    Compensation should be a heal on a "wound" which Kabam made. Win our trust back, bring happiness back to the players. That part is the most important. We need a stable game with great gameplay and all they are doing is creating more downtime and frustration. It feels like they start low with the compensation to see how the community is responding. My opinion is that this compensation is a joke. It is like a bandaid with a smily on it, for a wound which needs stitching in hospital. And the smily is not for the wounded person to forget but it shows the smile of Kabam, that smile is th symbol of being fooled and played with.

    If we look back at past year and not only past weeks/few months there was a lot wrong with this game. Wars lost because of downtime, emergency maintenance, champions nerved, devices not working, etc etc. and players spend all their glory, loyalty, units and all resources like refills and revives just to compensate the broken game.

    Kabam keeps the smily bandaid small so they can **** up more and keep the expectation low.
    the most annoying thing about it, is that is just a puch on a button which they do not want to make.
    It is not like they loose money because of a compensation. No they don't and that is most bitter part about it.

    That they closed the message straight after the announcement is like a kid sticking his fingers in his ears and starts to scream so he does not hear his mom say, clean up your room. It is so pathetic how they communicate and act.

    I hope they listen en come with a proper compensation for what most of have lost because of their screw-ups.
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  • Ravenrob_33Ravenrob_33 Member Posts: 120
    I agree we will get this next week but I also agree with most of the arguments been put forward that what they are offering is very low ball and some would say insulting just look at what has been going on in-game over the last week alone.
    1.the 9 hour outrage right in the middle of the goldpool arena and others

    2.The iPhone problems in themselves warrant a much larger compo pay out.

    3.the last update which to be blunt is very 12.0 in the problems it has created and bugs it has unleashed in game e.g. the forced shut downs the graphical interface imploding

    With all these issues kabam needs to be seen as helping the players not just ignoring them because as I see it the game can't and I believe won't carry on like this for much long before the whole system collapses and the servers break beyond repair

  • Kade7175Kade7175 Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Do you guys get the feeling their just gonna let it go down the tubes so they can launch a new game thats more profitable? If you look at everything we've had to eat the last couple weeks down times, aq now, lack luster comp packages, announcement of new aq then reversal because of i phone melt. Seems like they want this to tank so they can launch mcoc2.0 whalemilker station. Lol
    I agree we will get this next week but I also agree with most of the arguments been put forward that what they are offering is very low ball and some would say insulting just look at what has been going on in-game over the last week alone.
    1.the 9 hour outrage right in the middle of the goldpool arena and others

    2.The iPhone problems in themselves warrant a much larger compo pay out.

    3.the last update which to be blunt is very 12.0 in the problems it has created and bugs it has unleashed in game e.g. the forced shut downs the graphical interface imploding

    With all these issues kabam needs to be seen as helping the players not just ignoring them because as I see it the game can't and I believe won't carry on like this for much long before the whole system collapses and the servers break beyond repair

    Dont forget this new aq issue. Its a lot of s we are having to take right now.
  • _fr3do__fr3do_ Member Posts: 50
    Did u recieve the compensation yet? I havent recieved anything on my accounts
  • HerrPopopHerrPopop Member Posts: 185
    Haven't received compensation,someone update me on what was in?
  • WOKWOK Member Posts: 468 ★★
    I'm not going to engage with you unless you have a modicum of respect. I have no idea what you're venting about, but I'm not here to be a target.

    Did you not read my last post? All the respect I once had for you went out the window today after reading your usual drivel that amounts to the thoughtprocess of a zombie being trained. And furthermore, I do not anticipatr nor desire for you to "engage" with me. My comments were for you and others to read, period. Im no longer amused with your tactics and its not up for discussion with you, I am informing you of it, the end.

    Unfortunatley my zombie, you painted the dotted circle on yourself and its pathetic that you try to deflect it onto others.

    TBQH, Im not venting at all, Im just simply telling it like it is. I've not generalized anything, I've not falsified anything, I have not sugarcoated anything, I will admit however I am not being polite, objective, nor fair and adding to the discussion when it comes to my true disdain for Kabam and my description of those in the community that cowardly seperate themselves from us without having the cajones to say it straight. End of story, end of discussion. Go suck on a fat one bud, you deserve it today!
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  • Rusty_JudasRusty_Judas Member Posts: 9
    Cuteshelf wrote: »
    I’m actually tired of people asking for compensation. I just want to enjoy a well functioning game.

    If it was a free game, yes, but people also pay money to play it. Otherwise you were not playing this game. If we did not have to pay money, then yes, shut up. but if you spend money on the game you can ask/demand for it.
    Second, I don't want to delay the progress of my account because I have lost all my resources due to the mistakes the developers made and don't take the blame for it. If you spend money on this game you can expect something in return.
  • Steverogers329Steverogers329 Member Posts: 113
    I haven’t seen anything ! Zero /////not happy
  • CuteshelfCuteshelf Member Posts: 747 ★★★
    Cuteshelf wrote: »
    I’m actually tired of people asking for compensation. I just want to enjoy a well functioning game.

    If it was a free game, yes, but people also pay money to play it. Otherwise you were not playing this game. If we did not have to pay money, then yes, shut up. but if you spend money on the game you can ask/demand for it.
    Second, I don't want to delay the progress of my account because I have lost all my resources due to the mistakes the developers made and don't take the blame for it. If you spend money on this game you can expect something in return.

    That’s my problem with this whole situation.

    As soon as something happens, 50 posts pop up saying “OMG compensation” “OMG Rankdowns tickets!”.

    Instead of asking for the problem to be fixed, once and for all.

    By asking for, and taking compensation, you guys are saying, ‘That’s ok Kabam, don’t fix any of the problems. Jut give us a paltry amount of compensation and we’ll call it even’.

    I’d honestly rather play a functioning, fun game, than not play for 8 hours, due to Connection issues, then get ‘compensated’.

    If you don’t want to play the game, but want to open crystals, just go watch crystal opening videos on YouTube.
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,131 ★★★★★
    edited July 2018
    Kabam really needs to save there product.

    To many mistakes leading to this. From champs not working as intended,downtime,to new aq, to new alliance events, to rifts being less rewarding that previous rift events. Its like 2 steps beckwards yet the game is still trying to fix itself...this game or “product” has has been around

    3+ years.....are we still trying to build the groundbase of a working game?
  • Lt_Magnum_1Lt_Magnum_1 Member Posts: 640 ★★
    It does not adjust for disruptions directly in AQ or AW and 1500 5* shards is not enough. I want glory to be in the package (at least 1000), 2 revives, 2 AQ Revives, and some alliance potions. I have to give it a D- because of the apparent lack of urgency by Kabam.
  • JublieeJubliee Member Posts: 21
  • NEONEO Member Posts: 347
    Well I lost one iPhone, won’t charge anymore. I had to quit my alliance(losing all alliances rewards) because I can’t play anymore and refuse to ruin another iPhone, How could they possibly compensate me for this. They won’t and I’m f’d
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