Can we succsess in this game if..

Dont spend real money or grinding arena hard for units and BC

Can we succsess in this game if.. 28 votes

Yes of course
Haji_SaabBatman_X10StoyvensenRCunhaWerewrymAkarsh383TinoMiaNewYorkSmittyhope4tg 9 votes
Maybe,if you know how to play
GriffoplayKenshioKyleMBahamutPacificWarriorpd187David12364XxOriginalxX[Deleted User] 9 votes
No,u need to spent real money if you wanna be in top
DrZolaStefanjonesFeeney234VeryCoolUserNameJonibärchenMaidrilShadowReptileskullduggery72An_Asian_1Hyperbolein_1 10 votes


  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    edited July 2018
    Yes of course
    I am and have always been F2P, which is like 3 years now or something. Spending doesn't initiate success in this game, it just accelerates it.
  • GriffoplayGriffoplay Member Posts: 270
    Maybe,if you know how to play
    Spending real money can give you an edge VS non-spender couse you can have more rosource to rank up pg and/or have some aweakening gems and the like. Spending real money can speed up your in-game achivements couse you can buy more pots and/or revives too.
    You can have the same in more time. BUT the more time you take to achive some results the less they can help you couse the game evolves. So it is better if you run all events for maximum rewards (units and resources) and do some arenas to gain more units to 100% story quests.
  • Maybe,if you know how to play
    Played the game since 2015 and only started spending real money about last month. My progress didn’t improve drastically but I have a rating of 250k+
  • Maybe,if you know how to play
    Also some advice. You should make an effort to run Arena, it will help a lot even if you’re not going for the champ. Just hit the milestones
  • David12364David12364 Member Posts: 62
    edited July 2018
    Maybe,if you know how to play
    I know that,i was grinding arena hardly last winter(7 months ago)
    I could do any quest,and had many units,but since i have stopped playing arena,i cant finish always uncollcted without some items to spend,i dont have units,cant buy revives so i can finish quests and i am always stucked that means u need units anyway...buying offers or grinding units..
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