Reminder: Gold Member Arena Coming July 26!



  • McWolfMcWolf Member Posts: 18
    Endz wrote: »
    Endz wrote: »
    If yall going to delay GoldPool Arena Then Delay All Arenas Going Forward!

    Not everybody's device is overheating.

    But what about the devices that are overheating, that doesn’t seem fair or balanced to me.

    It is a knowen fact, that iOS devices have lower loading times, which gives them an unfair advantage to other devices in legend runs, that doesn't seem fair or balanced to me

    Know that there is a disadvantage having an iPhone, it is a problem now, why?
  • Chef_Andre_1974Chef_Andre_1974 Member Posts: 8
    McWolf wrote: »
    Endz wrote: »
    Endz wrote: »
    If yall going to delay GoldPool Arena Then Delay All Arenas Going Forward!

    Not everybody's device is overheating.

    But what about the devices that are overheating, that doesn’t seem fair or balanced to me.

    It is a knowen fact, that iOS devices have lower loading times, which gives them an unfair advantage to other devices in legend runs, that doesn't seem fair or balanced to me

    Know that there is a disadvantage having an iPhone, it is a problem now, why?

    I didn´t know that ios devices have lower loading times. How much difference we are talking about? Miliseconds? Seconds? Minutes? And has this really an impact on Legend runs?
  • IOSJasoNIOSJasoN Member Posts: 649 ★★★
    McWolf wrote: »
    Endz wrote: »
    Endz wrote: »
    If yall going to delay GoldPool Arena Then Delay All Arenas Going Forward!

    Not everybody's device is overheating.

    But what about the devices that are overheating, that doesn’t seem fair or balanced to me.

    It is a knowen fact, that iOS devices have lower loading times, which gives them an unfair advantage to other devices in legend runs, that doesn't seem fair or balanced to me

    Know that there is a disadvantage having an iPhone, it is a problem now, why?

    I didn´t know that ios devices have lower loading times. How much difference we are talking about? Miliseconds? Seconds? Minutes? And has this really an impact on Legend runs?

    Yes it does.. iOS is around one second a load
    Android is around 7-10 seconds..
    May not sound like a lot but factor that in between each fight and it makes a huge difference..
  • Chef_Andre_1974Chef_Andre_1974 Member Posts: 8
    That is a huge difference. 7-10 seconds is a lot.
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    why not split arena? have it now and give arena for Android users with 200*(number of Android players)/(number of iphone players) goldpools and then have the same arena with goldpools left for ios users
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  • McWolfMcWolf Member Posts: 18
    It doesn't matter now, as more than half the day is over, no need to run an android/extra arena.

    Just wanted to show, how easy it would be to satisfy the player base with an easy idea and no work arround it, as it was scheduled already.
    Instead Kabam give the whales ( i guess 90% of them running Apple devices, no data to back that up!) what they want and pospone.
  • DeckardDeckard Member Posts: 31
    @Kabam Zibiit
    @Kabam Miike

    Hey guys. I’m not much of an arena grinder and usually I’m fine with 600k points in basic 4*, just for units and some gold. I did aquire few champions that I like a lot (i.e. star lord, void, dupped blade) by means of arena and AA is another one I’d like to win (dupe tbh). Free time is a luxury to me... It’s hard to have 3 days off for solid grind so I asked for a few days of holiday to make sure I reach 1-10%. I’m afraid beacause of overheating issuse that won’t happen... do you plan to re-do all those arenas we miss?
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    McWolf wrote: »
    Endz wrote: »
    Endz wrote: »
    If yall going to delay GoldPool Arena Then Delay All Arenas Going Forward!

    Not everybody's device is overheating.

    But what about the devices that are overheating, that doesn’t seem fair or balanced to me.

    It is a knowen fact, that iOS devices have lower loading times, which gives them an unfair advantage to other devices in legend runs, that doesn't seem fair or balanced to me

    Know that there is a disadvantage having an iPhone, it is a problem now, why?

    There’s rather a large difference between getting a high prestige 5* champ and having different coloured messages in chat.
  • ChiknLoVrChiknLoVr Member Posts: 51
    edited July 2018
    Greetings Summoners,

    Due to the current overheating and performance issues that we are currently investigating, we will be delaying our rerun of the Goldpool arena for the time being. We appreciate the feedback and requests we got to further delay this arena, and agree that it's the best course of action right now.

    We don’t currently have a timeline on when the rerun of the Goldpool Arena will take place, but we will let you all know as soon as those dates have been decided, after we’ve had more time to investigate those performance issues.

    THANKS for letting us know the day before.... I didn't schedule time off work or anything for this at all so no worries there! This overheating issue has been going on for how long now?? And NOW we're deciding to delay it, when decisions for other delays happens days and days ago.... un-real. Yes exactly you guys cant send out an in-game message? I have to dig and search the forums to find the course of action being taken in the biggest update debacle, and putting it into perspective I think 19.0>12.0. NO communication minus 1 post from Zibit and then another telling us not to attack each other. c'mon... yall can do better, we believe in you Kabam, just keep your head afloat
  • SiliyoSiliyo Member Posts: 1,513 ★★★★★
    @Ad0ra_ @Kabam Miike @Kabam Wolf @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Ahab @Kabam Lyra what about future arenas like today? You've postponed Goldpool but have not for these arenas.
  • M1st3r S1n1st3rM1st3r S1n1st3r Member Posts: 24
    I do agree that there should be an in-game message about this. I got confused as to why Goldpool Arena wasn't counting down and came here to find out. People shouldn't be having to check the forums every time there is an issue. Messages should be sent with sufficient notice so people can plan their lives. Now I can focus on getting t1a instead of grinding GP lol.
  • CptMuffinCptMuffin Member Posts: 85
    ChiknLoVr wrote: »
    THANKS for letting us know the day before.... I didn't schedule time off work or anything for this at all so no worries there! This overheating issue has been going on for how long now?? And NOW we're deciding to delay it, when decisions for other delays happens days and days ago.... un-real. Yes exactly you guys cant send out an in-game message? I have to dig and search the forums to find the course of action being taken in the biggest update debacle, and putting it into perspective I think 19.0>12.0. NO communication minus 1 post from Zibit and then another telling us not to attack each other. c'mon... yall can do better, we believe in you Kabam, just keep your head afloat

    Dude, don't plan your life around video games.Go gripe about something that actually matters.
  • ShadowReptileShadowReptile Member Posts: 98
    With no timeline of when the issues will be fixed and when the arena will be rerun then it is probably best for the company to come up with a better solution. A lot of stuff lately had angered the player base. Why not come up with a solution that makes the player base happy? Anyone who was in any of the arena that went down should be awarded the champion in question. If you grinded and got it the first time then you get lucky and get a dupe or some extra dupe levels. You guys should be working to make the player base happy. Lately it seems you only do the bare minimum to keep up playing. I do say thank you on trying to work on better communication with us! But please work on these “solutions” & “compensation”!!!
  • DrVD99DrVD99 Member Posts: 71
    Will there be a rerun of all arenas that where on during these issues? Antman, wasp, Sentry etc... maybe AA and YJ too?
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  • ChiknLoVrChiknLoVr Member Posts: 51
    CptMuffin wrote: »
    ChiknLoVr wrote: »
    THANKS for letting us know the day before.... I didn't schedule time off work or anything for this at all so no worries there! This overheating issue has been going on for how long now?? And NOW we're deciding to delay it, when decisions for other delays happens days and days ago.... un-real. Yes exactly you guys cant send out an in-game message? I have to dig and search the forums to find the course of action being taken in the biggest update debacle, and putting it into perspective I think 19.0>12.0. NO communication minus 1 post from Zibit and then another telling us not to attack each other. c'mon... yall can do better, we believe in you Kabam, just keep your head afloat

    Dude, don't plan your life around video games.Go gripe about something that actually matters.

    you wouldnt be on a forum if it didnt matter to you to
  • ChiknLoVrChiknLoVr Member Posts: 51
    Dropfaith wrote: »
    CptMuffin wrote: »
    ChiknLoVr wrote: »
    THANKS for letting us know the day before.... I didn't schedule time off work or anything for this at all so no worries there! This overheating issue has been going on for how long now?? And NOW we're deciding to delay it, when decisions for other delays happens days and days ago.... un-real. Yes exactly you guys cant send out an in-game message? I have to dig and search the forums to find the course of action being taken in the biggest update debacle, and putting it into perspective I think 19.0>12.0. NO communication minus 1 post from Zibit and then another telling us not to attack each other. c'mon... yall can do better, we believe in you Kabam, just keep your head afloat

    Dude, don't plan your life around video games.Go gripe about something that actually matters.

    Again some.of us have so much vacation time we have to use or lose it's pointless not to take a day off to do something like this..

    I'm off today first vacation day I've used this year I now only have

    232 hrs of paid vacation left this year (29 days)

    And.i have 3 of those scheduled for kids birthdays.. likely wont take any more

    THIS also. Obviously if I've got the free time to take off work for a video game I can have other **** to do instead, the day off work is not the issue whatsoever really, it's that we can't plan anything for this game. Special arenas like this require more time input than usual. It's the fact of the matter how Kabam have handled this that is the most upsetting part of it all.
  • Legend_KillerLegend_Killer Member Posts: 3
    I cant even play 3vs3 it keeps saying error try again later everything else works just fine. Kabam kinda Blows!!!!
  • JyanyoJyanyo Member Posts: 4
    What about AA and Void Arena??? What about T1Alfa and T4 basics??????? How are those going to be compensated????
  • Icecold2099Icecold2099 Member Posts: 577 ★★★
    edited July 2018
    So your argument is to turn the game off for everybody because of an overheating issue that isn't affecting everybody?

    That seems fair and balanced?

    What about lag issues that primarily hinder android users? Do they turn the game off for everybody because of that?

    Is it fair and balanced that people can spend tens of thousands on the game to get every 5* and duped? So let's limit the amount of FGMCs each person can buy to balance things out.

    There would be nothing for people to do if the arenas were stopped until this issue was resolved. Kabam would lose players in droves. Then it would be fair and balanced for everybody because mcoc would be gone.

    Idk what game you're playing that you think "fair and balanced" is part of it.
  • Reaper0311Reaper0311 Member Posts: 3
    Just run it twice. Today for the people that planned on it and do it again after the issues are fixed removing the top 200 again
  • Demon_soultaker1Demon_soultaker1 Member Posts: 6
    I say delay everything but quest and give everyone 5* gold pool then you won't hear them complaining
  • Demon_soultaker1Demon_soultaker1 Member Posts: 6
    If you do it that way you wouldn't have to bring that arena back out and focus on getting the overheating done with no distractions
  • superunknown012superunknown012 Member Posts: 413 ★★
    Everything about this thread puts a smile on my face.
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  • MSpawnMSpawn Member Posts: 102
    Here’s an idea, since there’s no timetable for a fix, why doesn’t the company just distribute a Goldpool to all those that have already become uncollected? Kind of like when you guys “give” us 2-Stars to “aid us in conquering” the battle realm. Don’t see why or how much giving us something of higher rarity would really hurt the company. Clearly we cannot overcome unforeseen technical issues like the present one and no telling who would have time to grind once they are resolved. A gesture like this would go a long way towards showing the player base your “appreciation” vs just saying it. We’ve invested millions into your platform. Would it hurt your profits that much? Besides, it’s not like he was made to be OP. I’m sure we can’t win the game with em! 😂
  • singhhemant_04singhhemant_04 Member Posts: 4
    botonox03 wrote: »
    Greetings Summoners,

    Due to the current overheating and performance issues that we are currently investigating, we will be delaying our rerun of the Goldpool arena for the time being. We appreciate the feedback and requests we got to further delay this arena, and agree that it's the best course of action right now.

    We don’t currently have a timeline on when the rerun of the Goldpool Arena will take place, but we will let you all know as soon as those dates have been decided, after we’ve had more time to investigate those performance issues.

    @Kabam Miike @Ad0ra_ @Kabam Zibiit what will be done about the arenas currently running and also both basic and featured arenas moving forward until this is resolved? I, as I am sure many others have tried, to grind through the arenas but are not going to risk their phones due to overheating. Is there any word on the arenas other than goldpool (both current and upcoming)??

  • singhhemant_04singhhemant_04 Member Posts: 4
    Obviously no one want to risk their phone coz of the game. It’s really not at all fair with iOS users. Its not about only arena even I’m not able to play my monthly quest. Even im phone always gets crashed if I’m playing approx 10-15 minutes.

    Kabam do something otherwise I left with only one option to quit this game
  • singhhemant_04singhhemant_04 Member Posts: 4
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Wolf @Kabam Zibiit any update when this overheating is going to fix permanently
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