Reminder: Gold Member Arena Coming July 26!

Arena will require MUCH MUCH MUCH more device access than AW. Please announce the delay if you are unable to fully address the overheating issue by no more than 4 hours before the start of the arena.
That gives you about 40 hours to fix the performance issue(s).
That gives you about 40 hours to fix the performance issue(s).
Post edited by Kabam Lyra on
Dude you need to really get over this and stop acting like “oh I’m affected don’t stop anything”
If the goldpool arena is for all users who were not able to grind it properly first time, then launching it while users now wouldn’t be able to contribute unless they want a broken phone, then surely it isn’t fair.
What’s the point re-running it for “compensation” of affected users when most will still be affected during the re-run
That is just selfish and if the roles were reversed you would be begging for a delay as well. Just because I can’t afford to go buy multiple phones to play doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be able to run the arena as well.
@Kabam Miike
Due to the current overheating and performance issues that we are currently investigating, we will be delaying our rerun of the Goldpool arena for the time being. We appreciate the feedback and requests we got to further delay this arena, and agree that it's the best course of action right now.
We don’t currently have a timeline on when the rerun of the Goldpool Arena will take place, but we will let you all know as soon as those dates have been decided, after we’ve had more time to investigate those performance issues.
I understand this could mess up all the schedules Kabam had for the rest of the year, but perhaps it is better to adapt to these changes than to lose happy costumers.
Not to defend Kabam, but that is probably out of their scope of responsibilities.
You took a leave from work to play a mobile game??? That just sounds totally irresponsible. How is that Kabam's fault...
My anger comes from the fact they waited until the eve of this event to cancel this. They could have cancelled it earlier this week when they cancelled the start of season 3. Now I have 8 hours of leave going to waste when there's nothing I need to get done tomorrow in replace of my plans to play goldpool.
People take vacations all the time for entertainment purposes. That's often what vacations are used for. Whether that is to attend a concert, visit the Grand Canyon, see the Super Bowl, or just stay home and binge watch Dr. Who, it is all equally valid use of vacation.
Sometimes those plans get scratched. A storm cancels the concert, the Grand Canyon gets fogged out, or the cable goes out. I'd be plenty ticked off if the cable went out on the day I was going to binge watch something. I wouldn't expect the cable company to compensate me for lost vacation time, but it is understandable that I would still be plenty mad.