iOS Beta Test - Volunteers Needed.



  • Kal_El3652Kal_El3652 Member Posts: 22
    @Ad0ra_ @Kabam Miike I know you guys are knee deep in this Beta Testing but any update would be appreciated. Even if there is a small amount of good news, bad news or even No news. I am sure that people would also appreciate the OPEN COMMUNICATION that was previously promised. A lot of people spend a lot of money on YOUR product(s) and your product has been attributed to affecting many people phones/tablets. Please, Please, Please provide updates as to how the Beta Testing is going and some type of timeline as when this will be resolved!
  • SRArch_SAI21SRArch_SAI21 Member Posts: 96
    DrZola wrote: »
    Since this is specifically beta related, a few questions:

    (1) Is there any progress? If so, how?
    (2) Are phones still overheating in the the beta? What happens if phones are damaged in the beta?
    (3) What appears to be the core issue(s) causing the overheating problem? How is the beta addressing them?
    (4) When do you expect a broader rollout of the “fix” to a larger subset of affected players, assuming there is one? What’s the plan for players for whom a “fix” still doesn’t work?

    Thanks in advance.

    Dr. Zola

    All are very valid questions

  • GostWolf21GostWolf21 Member Posts: 20
    Still no update from kabam I’m so afraid now for playing game
  • Hackpool2099Hackpool2099 Member Posts: 1
    Signed up to help out. Seen these issues before and helped in other tests in other apps, so hopefully we'll get it straightened out.
  • Zer0bitsZer0bits Member Posts: 104
    First, thank you for the update.
    If game functionality is tied to the overheating issue in v19 maybe the team can roll back that portion to v18 since the issue didn’t exist there (or existed but at a point that isn’t as critical). The only added functionality that we are aware of is the new pause menu (which is nice, but not necessarily needed at this time) unless there were other changes under the hood that we don’t know about. Maybe if they can roll back the game functionality portions and disable the new pause menu it can at least be a significant step towards releasing a stable version of the game for now. Once that happens they can work on testing and reintegrating fixed versions in the next release.
  • Drummer829Drummer829 Member Posts: 105
    Ad0ra_ wrote: »
    DrZola wrote: »
    Since this is specifically beta related, a few questions:

    (1) Is there any progress? If so, how?
    (2) Are phones still overheating in the the beta? What happens if phones are damaged in the beta?
    (3) What appears to be the core issue(s) causing the overheating problem? How is the beta addressing them?
    (4) When do you expect a broader rollout of the “fix” to a larger subset of affected players, assuming there is one? What’s the plan for players for whom a “fix” still doesn’t work?

    Thanks in advance.

    Dr. Zola

    Hey Zola, thanks for keeping it on topic.

    1) Progress - yes and no. We've created more than one new build and we are working to address a number of issues. There are a few different crashes that we are looking into, and the overheating issue. They are separate problems, but to some degree linked as well. We're seeing some progress on some of the crashes. The overheating issue is a bit more complicated as it is intertwined with game functionality but also a hardware issue - as evident by other apps being impacted by this. There are numerous articles floating around on the issue as well.

    2) It seems to be pretty mixed so far. And the beta is strictly volunteer - no one should be damaging their hardware or pushing it to that point. There are different degrees of severity in terms of people experiencing that issue. We trust them to make a judgement call here since again, this is volunteer only and not mandatory.

    3) That's not something we can speak to in detail right now.

    4) right now, unfortunately, we don't know. There isn't a specific timeline we can provide. When there is, we will make an announcement.

    Serious question though, shouldn’t you guys put a little warning on the loading screen about the phones overheating or something? I dont think I recognized my phone overheating because of my case. At first I thought my phone crashing and unable to open apps was just my phone crapping out. I actually scheduled an appointment with Apple to check it out. Then I realized it only happened when I played MCOC. I took off the case was shocked at how hot it was. I then came straight to the forums and thankfully saw a ton of people having the same problem.

  • DJRipsterDJRipster Member Posts: 169

    Has the team discovered any evidence of hardware damage as a result of this issue ? wouldn't it be at the best interest of the community to add some sort of warning in the least ?

    Like another member mentioned, I don't notice as much heating since I disabled game-center, but I do have frequent crashes... I wouldn't want to damage my hardware if I am doing so, and would rather know that in advance
  • rockstar323rockstar323 Member Posts: 57
    edited July 2018

    Has the team looked at the difference in modems, Qualcomm vs Intel, and if it has anything to do with which ones are affected and which ones aren't?
  • xSIDESWIPExxSIDESWIPEx Member Posts: 4
    edited July 2018
    My phone has had two issues since downloaded the beta. I am using v.12 beta from apple and the beta for contest of champs. The first issue was this morning when I was playing I bed before work, my alarm went off again, and when it did the game shut down completely. The second problem Iencountered was a random close out just a few minutes before this post. I was playing arena and everything was going fine and then my phone randomly restarted. These are the only two things that have happened since downloading the beta.
  • _LOCASSG__LOCASSG_ Member Posts: 19
    This problem is really affecting my gameplay there’s no way I’m going to get archangel in the arenas. I can only play 2 rounds before it’s shuts itself off. Can I please be apart of the beta I’m going to be losing out here
  • SRArch_SAI21SRArch_SAI21 Member Posts: 96
    Ad0ra_ wrote: »
    DrZola wrote: »
    Since this is specifically beta related, a few questions:

    (1) Is there any progress? If so, how?
    (2) Are phones still overheating in the the beta? What happens if phones are damaged in the beta?
    (3) What appears to be the core issue(s) causing the overheating problem? How is the beta addressing them?
    (4) When do you expect a broader rollout of the “fix” to a larger subset of affected players, assuming there is one? What’s the plan for players for whom a “fix” still doesn’t work?

    Thanks in advance.

    Dr. Zola

    Hey Zola, thanks for keeping it on topic.

    1) Progress - yes and no. We've created more than one new build and we are working to address a number of issues. There are a few different crashes that we are looking into, and the overheating issue. They are separate problems, but to some degree linked as well. We're seeing some progress on some of the crashes. The overheating issue is a bit more complicated as it is intertwined with game functionality but also a hardware issue - as evident by other apps being impacted by this. There are numerous articles floating around on the issue as well.

    2) It seems to be pretty mixed so far. And the beta is strictly volunteer - no one should be damaging their hardware or pushing it to that point. There are different degrees of severity in terms of people experiencing that issue. We trust them to make a judgement call here since again, this is volunteer only and not mandatory.

    3) That's not something we can speak to in detail right now.

    4) right now, unfortunately, we don't know. There isn't a specific timeline we can provide. When there is, we will make an announcement.

    Dear Ad0ra

    Thank you for your feedback, much appreciated and really hoping that we get to the root cause of issue and we get a patch soon, I don’t know why I was not selected for testing and what was the criteria even though I opted for it with in one hour of the announcement. Nevertheless one comment I want to make we all talking about overheating but no where the testing talks about battery draining out quickly which never happened in my last 2 years of game play on iPhone, are these two interlinked in any way .

    Are the beta users who are testing it considering this as a criterion


  • Osman_G90Osman_G90 Member Posts: 18
    Just signed up. I sure hope we can resolve this soon. I can’t play the normally without my iPhone shutting down and restarting once it gets warm.
  • Peyton3232Peyton3232 Member Posts: 1
    Let me do it
  • DocKelseyDocKelsey Member Posts: 1
    I have been experiencing the crashing/overheating issues playing on an iPhone 7 Plus and would like to know the the time line for the possible fix. I am 3 plus year player and would be willing to try the beta
  • RakbyRakby Member Posts: 1
    Hey , I signed up for beta testing .

    Iphone 7 Have crashing and overheating issue , i tested out IOS BETA version 12.0 if it helps but nothing changed .

    Phone : Iphone 7
  • KyrazmomKyrazmom Member Posts: 159
    Since this beta testing is such a manual process and AW is on hold, why can’t the dev team roll back the update? There is so much that is being missed right now because of this issue. Can’t do arena for Pym Canisters or champs, therefore we can’t get the discs for the special quest and most likely we can’t finish EQ, either. Save the data for those who have been able to play in these areas, but roll back the update so the ones who are overheating and crashing can participate when this is all figured out. Clearly this is a major issue or it would have been fixed by now. It’s been a week and half and there is still nothing...
  • StuuupidStuuupid Member Posts: 2
    I got some nice information that my team mates who are playing with iPad haven’t got this issue
  • 1ko1ko Member Posts: 10
    I play on iPad and have problems
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  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Member Posts: 724 ★★★★
    Hey everyone! We continue to work on this and appreciate everyone's efforts.

    We are hopeful that we are making some progress on some of the crashing behavior we are seeing, and have a few possible options. We have been internally testing a possible new build that we will be spending more time on, before we look at getting it in the hands of beta testers.

    To answer some general questions:

    1. No, we haven't found any evidence in our testing of physical hardware damage ourselves
    2. It's not a simple solution to roll back a build - we appreciate those that are trying to assist with the problem solving though.
    3. We still don't have a specific timeline we can provide, but regardless we will continue to update as we progress on this issue
    4. While this beta is running on iOS, it's helping us test resolutions for issues Android users are facing as well (such as crashes)
    5. We can't update a device specific loading screen, unfortunately that option is not technologically possible for us

    thank you for your continued patience.
  • ThanatosXThanatosX Member Posts: 2
    Who can I contact if I am in the beta but can’t access beta forms?
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Member Posts: 724 ★★★★
    ThanatosX wrote: »
    Who can I contact if I am in the beta but can’t access beta forms?

    Me! Send me a private msg with your email address on file with your iOS account, your in game user id, your email address on file with your kabam account. I'll dig into that for you.
  • SiliyoSiliyo Member Posts: 1,513 ★★★★★
    @Ad0ra_ @Kabam Miike Fortnite shut down their servers to ensure that the issue was addressed, fixed, the whole 9. Has the game team considered doing the same thing?
  • DrPepper_75DrPepper_75 Member Posts: 126
    Please keep us updated and much as possible...even if the wins are small ones.
    I do have a comment on the damage that might be caused by the overheating. In your comment you have posted “ you haven’t seen damage” I think the community is a much bigger sample size. It’s a known fact overheating or extreme cold is just bad for the longevity of the battery. I think at least a email needs to be sent out as a precautionary email to warn of the potential’s there..
  • DJRipsterDJRipster Member Posts: 169
    Thanks for the update @Ad0ra_

    Hopefully you have some folks with iPad 2017 on your list of beta testers... Ive been facing crashes at least 6 times a day (mostly in arenas) and cannot wait to have that resolved :)
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    Question - with problems still clearly happening in the Beta.

    Why not just roll back the update?

    I mean I would happily go without an event quest just so I am able to play the game.

    I don’t see why that isn’t a logical option? Roll back the update, allow everyone to play as normal.

    It’s not fun at all having to quit after 3 AQ or AW fights being scared your phone might break, it’s not even like you can do an a AQ path and AW at same time, if I try that my phone will freeze and hard shut down itself
  • KwAmOnKwAmOn Member Posts: 108
    KwAmOn wrote: »
    Hi @Ad0ra_ I have signed up, I was in the forums reporting the issue and several of my allies are also facing it. I'm very tech savvy and hope you consider me for the test and any future Beta's!
  • Davyb18Davyb18 Member Posts: 30
    What about the battery drain the new update is causing I Am on Android I never had to charge my phone till the end of the day but with this update I Am recharging 2 to 3 times a day
  • ralliesrallies Member Posts: 6
    @Ad0ra_ @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit why does not it return to the previous version?
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