Auto fights

Why is auto fight set up sooooo badly? If the ai foght as bad as it does against me as it does for me, I’d never need to use a health or revive pot..... how can an r4 or 5 5* with class advantage get so worked by a 4* in master quest that it barely survives the fight only 3 fights in.
The Auto fight is really usefull, because the game is in a point we need to run several hours a day to get all contents of the month (I usually get 100% in Heroic, Master and Uncollected), plus we have the fixed content (like Story Quests, ROL, LOL etc) , Arenas, AQ and AW, and that stuffs take the more precious thing we need: TIME.
Please Kabam, think how can it could be improved for the players
Use someone beefy, someone that can heal/regen or take a lot of damage. A 3/30 in heroic is not going to last long,
Getting out hit sometimes by a couple, a few or many dozens hell one of them they got out hit by 7-54 a 4k+ champion against a sub 2k falcon.
It sort of seems like they made them even dumber, I get that their not supposed to be as good as us but they should be at least competent not like some old person who's wasted and can't figure out how to play.
Wish they would upgrade them a bit more because they are taking way too much damage against eniemes they should be pasting, getting their asses kicked and just standing there for an insane amount of hits and just underperforming in general.
Other games have auto play and in most cases they are either below, the same level or above us so I think they can do better than this and maybe add an auto pather to lesson the tedious borem of the game
then whats the point of auto fight? If its not geared to be fair against the opponent, then why even have it or use it? Its a useless perk of the game that can be done away with and replaced by something else.
Seriously, you’ve posted over 9k times and that’s your words of wisdom..... don’t use it past herioic? Master is not difficult at all, a 4* should not pose a roadblock to a r5 5* no matter what difficulty it is.
Even then it may not go well, I don't think you get how unreliable and unskilled the ai can be most of the time in most of the difficulties and maps.
You can be 5k+ above your opponent and your ai could get the **** beat out of them, they get out hit hit by a wide margin, sometimes they just stand there getting hit 10-20 times in a row and it really seems like they're getting even dumber lately.
No one is asking it to be as good as us but it should at least be competent, a 7k+ shouldn't be getting crushed or heavily damaged by sub 3k's but they are especially on some bosses. Like ghost for instance she destroyed my auto play until I took over an crushed her.
There is plenty of room for improvement.
Master might be easy for you, but it's not meant to be easy for Auto Fight. As I said, it's the most basic AI for a reason. It's meant for simple Quests like Beginner, Normal, Heroic, Proving Grounds, etc. Not really for harder content. Otherwise people just wouldn't play the game at all.
Hate to burst your bubble but as others and I said even then they struggle sometimes on those difficulties because they are brain dead punching bags.
This is just a small sample of ones in those difficulties you mentioned of the ones I actually screen shotted.
So even then the ai can almost be useless because sometimes they just stand there and get their faces smashed in, be really passive and more.
Yeah I noticed sometimes the ai lands 15+ unanswered hits on my ai forcing me to take over.
It's been happening more frequently lately, ^ above is some of the fights I've been seeing and it's been getting really bad over the time.
I don't think some understand how stupid and incompetent the player ai is when compared to the enemy ai they fail on the most basic tasks and missions and get the **** kicked out of them way to frequently which makes me a bit hesitant to use them sometimes.
Thats the point. You should be hesitant to use the AI because you're supposed to fight for yourself
I really don't have time to play sometimes do to many things and I run two accounts, besides i kinda feel like this game gets extremely boring and tedious.
Besides that's a point I'm trying to get across as well to some people who think that the ai is actually useful and don't see a problem.
Instead of making our lives easier they sometimes fail at what they are designed for, they have a hard time during most content.
It really isn't that hard to make a competent ai for us that actually can hold it's own and crush those their supposed to crush instead of this.
Again why? .......
This is why people have an issue with you guys sometimes nothing in that post warrant a deletion, just showing how bad our ai plays........