Expert daily class catalyst quest

136 energy for full exploration and only
1400 t4cc.
Not worth the time or energy in my opinion.
What do you all think?
1400 t4cc.
Not worth the time or energy in my opinion.
What do you all think?
"Don't feel like you're spending enough units on energy refills every day? Well, don't worry, cause we have the answer for you. For the low price of 2 full energy refills, a bargain at only 30 units a piece, you can go questing for t4cc! That's right, you can earn almost 1/24th of a catalyst! Doesn't seem like a good deal? It's not, but what else are you gonna spend those units on, featured grand master crystals? Even we know those things are a joke!"
Seriously; it’s like they don’t think we can do math and figure out what pittance the rewards are. ‘Oooh 1400 shards, number big!’
The math says the old expert proving grounds required 116 energy for 1020 fragments. The current one requires 136 energy for 1550 fragments, about 30% more fragments per energy point.
Especially for players that are not yet uncollected, it is actually a pretty good opportunity. If you're not uncollected you have way more energy than you can burn on the monthly event, and probably not getting very many T4CC fragments.
Keep in mind that energy refills and units will be in the new alliance events
Now that I think about it, you have to run the thing about 23 times and change to get enough fragments for a T4CC crystal. If you are a moron, you could choose to do that by buying energy refills every single day just to run that one thing. If you do, it will end up costing you about 1400 units in refills, plus or minus, on average.
I wonder what the reaction would be to Kabam offering a T4CC for 1400 units as a pure unit offer, with no cash purchase required.
Listen Stooge McOc,
30% more of pittance is still pittance. And roughly 1/5 of each type of t4cc a month ain’t helping anyone in any significant way in the current game state of reasonably needing all 4 star 5/50’s minimum in any decent AW
No offense meant with the Stooge thing, just been waiting to use that one on anyone defending some Kabam nonsense
I'm still gonna do them, just with whatever energy I get throughout the day definitely not spending energy refills on it.
I sure you could only get the path completion rewards once a day. After that would just be chest rewards, 100 shards a run
I don’t see that happening. Sure it sounds great on paper, but remember that Kabam jacks up the price for full cat offers. Look at the T2 and T3 class cat offers. You get 2 for 150 units or 2 for 400 units respectively. You could easily get 2 T2C for less than 150 units worth of energy refills. But it’s price of instant gratification. If they offered one, it would most likely be around 2k units. Plus I don’t know if they would be willing to offer a specific T4C. They much prefer RNG.
If you aren't spending money for those units and just getting them from game play, and you are not uncollected, I think that would actually be a pretty decent deal.
If you're uncollected, I think that would be an okay but not great offer unless you're really strapped for T4CC, because once you're uncollected eventually T4CC isn't the bottleneck anymore, and I wouldn't recommend spending units on resources that aren't bottlenecks except under very special conditions.
If you are straight up buying those units or energy refills, then you'd be basically spending fifty bucks for a T4CC. I don't think that's a good deal.
I don't think any such offer is coming along any time soon either, I was just trying to compare the energy costs of the fragments in the event to something simpler to consider the value of.
Especially since they're only going to come around for each class once a week
I could see this happening. A one off, here and there run might be useful from time to time.
I couldn't imagine doing it every day though. Also each t4cc only runs one a week, so its about 6 months grind of 100% in these events to earn a full t4cc of a specific class.
I just went uncollected about a week ago, and i don't think this is a good quest to do on a daily basis for those that aren't.
People it actually affects: Anyone trying to amass 36,000 Frags that isn't swimming in Frags and Cats from content and AQ.
People who don't have a use for it and complain: Many.
At this point, I could use a daily quest for T2 Alphas... but it would end up being the same thing, too much energy for very little. I don't think it is a bad feature, it's just not enough.
I also don't get why the T3CC is so hard to form through daily quests, but at least we can get those daily with solo events as well.
Ok, enjoy that 1/5th of a t4cc you need per month to get your 5 star to rank 3 or 4 star to 5/50. Let me know how happy you are in 6 months when you finally have enough thanks to this fabulous addition, because it’s exactly what you asked for and you’re always right.
I tip my hat to you, good sir.