Domino Block Break Update

Can we please have an update? Domino is not supposed to break’s been a confirmed bug, yet she is still bugged for AW and is in the new Event Quest....yet as an attacker we don’t have the ability for it to be in the “players” favor....this needs to be fix ASAP!
This should be an easy fix to remove her from that path.
We've already pushed a "band-aid" fix for this, and are working on something much more permanent for the future. Most of the reports of this have become much more rare, except for the occurence of trying dash back from a block and getting hit by her 2-hit Medium Attack.
Says a Domino owner?
That’s not a correct answer for a genuine bug. And yes I have Domino.
This is highly incorrect. I just met one Domino in arena and I was holding block vehemently, she just hit through it.
Please don't post information just because the reports have become rare. The reports are rare because there's no event side quest running where we'd face her every 11 hours as the boss.
Tell them to get over it. In boxing you can block all day, but for any reason you fail with a parry(let's say you have a muscle spasm) that's a critical failure and you're right you were able to block it with your face. As stated in masteries. Parry, timing a block right when attacked. If you have a critical failure then you eat a fist to the face.
Not all champions should be treated the same. Not all can be played the same, and most definitely not all defensive abilities should be the same.
The health potion farming was resolved pretty quickly, so it can be done...
They can always remove her from the quest, but they won't.
First couple times Domino broke my block, I thought that was what was happening. I started recording my fights with Domino to see if that was the cause or if she was actually breaking my block (Its usually much easier to identify what is really going on when watching a fight than when actually in the fight). When I reviewed the vids, I saw that critical fail on parry had that "critical fail" message and the debuff show up. However, there were times when I was clearly blocking, no critical fail message appeared, and Domino hit right through the block. Since the assassin and mercenary missions are no longer coming up, I'm not fighting very many super buffed up Dominos, and consequentially have come across the issue far less.
Dear kabam, Can you please tell me if it's "Working as intended", because my items stash just got smaller....
Nope, I was holding my block and pressed my screen so hard to make sure it won’t be anything else. I had 4 more block breaks, but phone overheated and restarted and I lost my recording