Tier 4 catalysts
Where can I find these I need them to rank up my 5 star Hulkbuster to Rank 2 I can only find them on Proving Grounds master level off course I can't take part as my Champions aren't ranked high enough. 5 4 stars Rank 2 and 2 3 star silver champs (Colossus and Wolverine ) maxed out
Instead of flagging them or calling them jealous, you should really pay attention to what they're saying. Sorry for your bad luck on your first 5* being HB, but he is one of the worst champs in the game and isn't worthy of bringing up beyond rank 1/25. You will get more mileage from ranking up a good 4* champ than a terrible 5* champ.
My suggestion to you is to continue doing quests and arenas to get more shards to open more 3* & 4* champs. Sooner or later you're gonna get a good 4*, or even another 5* champ in due time, and eventually you're gonna regret wasting precious catalysts on HB. Take it from a guy who ranked 2 his first 5* champ which was an unduped Ronan, and regretted it after (until Rank Down Tickets came, which were a godsend lol).
If you're able to 100% Heroic difficulty on event quest, that helps you earn some t4. Completing Act 4 of the story mode also nets you a good amount of t4 if your current questing team can handle it. If your alliance does AQ, you earn glory points that you can use to obtain t4 from the glory shop. Depending on what AQ map your alliance does, you may also earn t4 shards from those.
I do agree with the other posters that Hulkbuster isn't really a good champ. If the bulk of your roster right now is 3*, you might want to use those to help grind for 4*. Building up a solid roster of 4* will help you get those 5* champs faster. YouTubers like Seatin Man of Legends, Dorky Dave, and Prof Hoff have lots of content you may find useful; everything from mastering game mechanics to lists of what champs are most worth investing your resources in and how to play your champs most effectively. That can help make the grind easier so you can get your roster built up.