AW Update Mini Bosses aka Wallet Wars... scrap this Kabam urgently

Ok guys. So my alliance just fought our first war with the new mini bosses active and buffed nodes.
All I can say is... utterly ridiculous.
@""Kabam Miike" didn’t you guys make a conscious decision based on the v12 Kabamity that you would be engaging with the community and seeking consultation before making changes to this stuff?
Node 30, other mini bosses like node 27 misery I think it’s called have brand new buffs that are not found anywhere else in the contest. Why can’t common sense prevail ie introduce an effective beta event quest where all these nodes are active and have beta testers involved to sound it out before introducing in to wars?
And to be doing this when there’s still so much unresolved like Season 3 AW postponed indefinitely, overheating issues and lags/crashes, unscheduled maintenance, Domino block break bugs....
Smacks of blatant disregard and contempt for the community.
Mark my words you will see players either stop spending, leaving in droves or not bothering to fight these mini bosses at all. Why bother having an attack bonus lost after 3 attempts when these nodes are only being downed after 9–10 kills in some cases?
What’s next, introduce The Collector and Thanos Infinity as playable characters and give him away for free to everyone and have them place in AWD??????
All I can say is... utterly ridiculous.
@""Kabam Miike" didn’t you guys make a conscious decision based on the v12 Kabamity that you would be engaging with the community and seeking consultation before making changes to this stuff?
Node 30, other mini bosses like node 27 misery I think it’s called have brand new buffs that are not found anywhere else in the contest. Why can’t common sense prevail ie introduce an effective beta event quest where all these nodes are active and have beta testers involved to sound it out before introducing in to wars?
And to be doing this when there’s still so much unresolved like Season 3 AW postponed indefinitely, overheating issues and lags/crashes, unscheduled maintenance, Domino block break bugs....
Smacks of blatant disregard and contempt for the community.
Mark my words you will see players either stop spending, leaving in droves or not bothering to fight these mini bosses at all. Why bother having an attack bonus lost after 3 attempts when these nodes are only being downed after 9–10 kills in some cases?
What’s next, introduce The Collector and Thanos Infinity as playable characters and give him away for free to everyone and have them place in AWD??????
Make this game fun again. I urge you. I implore you! Make the developers aware of how the vast majority of players are so cheesed off with the game right now that many are leaving. How can you have a product if you have no customers?
PS. You don't have to post once every 5 minutes.
Riiiight.... so to Kabams way of thinking this is the exception to every facet of the contest can you not see this?
Act 5 100% rewards and a title
Act 4 100% completion rewards
AQ 100% completion rewards
Monthly event quests for single run basic rewards and 100% rewards for 100% completion...
And PS every 5 minutes it’s called an edit...
Wait. So let me get this straight.
You’re blaming Kabam for you yourself choosing to spend items to clear challenging nodes in AW?
I am an end game player with high prestige and have waded the waters of MCOC change many times...but this could be where I drown.
I might semi retire, I might just leave all together, as I do not believe this new war will change
What I’m getting at is the game is so unbalanced right now I’m saying our WAR OPPONENT is the one registering the 9-10 kills on these nodes to 100% the map. So in effect it’s who spends wins
More often than not, towards the end of wars game lags are also taking their toll and people are getting booted out and coming back in to find their champs are at half health and attack bonus lost... or game goes down entirely
So you’re saying the nodes doesn’t really affect you in anyway right?
The lags have been around since the game started. No idea what you’re trying to achieve by mentioning this.
Dungeons you say? Room 6 no doubt... well in my opinion dungeons were the start of things sliding downhill to be honest. Apart from v12.
And how many months since dungeons? How many times did we have the situations where you’d only have the 15 min to fight approx and couldn’t connect so couldn’t finish the room and get penalised through no fault of your own?
You could just simply learn how to handle the new minis ya?
It’s weird that these things are happening but no one in my alliance has an issue with the new minis except maybe Node 30. But after some videos and sharing, it’s not an issue anymore.
In my sister ally where the players aren’t as skilled, we just accept the fact that we won’t 100% and won’t bother with spending items. No big deal.
(Just checked your profile. It’s nice but not really end game for the current state of the game.)
Contrary to the lone voice speaking up in favour of the new nodes, no - you're not alone. There are multiple forum threads and Reddit posts full of people who dislike the new nodes. I voted with my feet and dropped all the way down to Gold 3, semi-retired until Kabam wakes up and realises what a complete mess it's made of the game.
Something very real is happening now within virtually every alliance in the game, people are semi-retiring (which means no spending, also) and quitting in significant numbers. This is, in my opinion, more subtle than 12.0 but also more serious, as I think this is the final straw for a great many people.
I've got no problem with not getting 100% exploration, but seeing people buy their way through these difficult nodes just ruins the mode.
When it’s all in at the boss to get the 20k points and we’re all putting in efforts that’s where teamwork shines. Not by reviving like mad but by strategy and skill.
Guys don’t want to be made to feel they’re letting down their teammates if they can’t progress and with 9 paths there’s only one backup. and in dungeons if you mess up no harm no foul just wait to cooldown and try again with one buddy vs potentially feeling like letting down 9 others in the BG or 29 others across the alliance... alliances fracture this way
Nope that’s not what I’m saying at all. I did find these nodes tough. Node 30 has a rough defender. The interaction of the champs abilities with node properties in some cases makes it very imbalanced. Perhaps you should re-read my original post? I compare it to facing a Thanos IW in uncollected event from a few months back on mini bosses in every war.
There are also guys in my alliance getting KO’d across the board and losing attack bonuses whereas they’re usually able to clear paths.
Who wants to risk going up against an insanely OP mini boss with the added uncertainty of am I going to get lags and not even get a fair shot at it?
The tougher thing for me is I care about my alliance buddies. I’m the leader and when I hear guys who I’ve played with for ages or who I consider being very skilled players tell me they’ve had enough and are considering walking away tells me something is very wrong with the state of the game.
Leaders and officers put in a lot of work and time and effort for a game that is meant to be fun and for many it’s becoming a chore it’s like in many alliances recruitment is becoming a near full time gig... Kabam should I send you an invoice for my time...?
Look, we get that you are a skilled player , or maybe not... we couldn’t care less. If this game was about skilled players only, this app would be long gone. Just remember kabam nerfed sw, thor, bw and dr strange... for being op... while they bring out ridiculous champs like Domino, each month. That, like aw new minibosses, is just an attempt to squeeze some extra cash from those that are willing to spend. It’s far from challenging, or fun. It’s nothing more than a business for kabam. Meanwhile we moan and complain about this and that... not really worth all this effort.
Also for the benefit of @xNig so just to point something out to you.
Going back over some posts. Back when you reported the apparent autoblock bug with Modok back in approx Dec 2017 on AW boss, did you learn to handle that, much like you are advising others to do on new mini bosses...? Or was it nerfed..?
act 5 100%, LOL one path left.....not sure what you call end game player LMAO!!!
Yep 100% agree very outdated. There’s so much potential going to waste here. Somebody call Stan Lee already and make it happen... not that he has anything to do with this game but Marvel should know this would be having an effect on the brand... @Ad0ra_
I understand where you're coming from. I'm an alliance leader too and I take it upon myself to handle Path 6 in my BG, including Node 24 and 30, while also discussing with my officers and taking time during the off season to switch people around the other BGs to see who is more suitable to handle Node 30. I'm in Tier 2 AW.
Yup. Learned to handle that. Modok is pretty much a guaranteed one shot now regardless of node he's placed on.
LOL is just a spendfest. You don't have to be skilled to clear it. I know players who have 100% LOL but aren't as good as those who have only done one path. (And yes. LOL 100%. Done. July 2017 with 2 R4s, Starlord and Magik. Just to add, 4 paths were done prior to the removal of Global Dulled node. Would have gotten first 100 if not for waiting for that last mystic T4CC to R4 Magik to handle Jug.)
Base on you saying you're "currently" speaking to your alliance that you've been in for over 3 years, and your current alliance of approximately 1.65k ratings.. End game.. Not so..
Oh... You didn't do Room 6 dungeons.. I see..
I also run AW P6 buffet node 24. And I did do a few dungeons room 6 but at the time wasn’t overly invested in the concept so didn’t pay a lot of attention given other priorities of alliance based events vs individual dungeons.
That was another thing having people’s attention diverted from AQ etc and spending time in dungeons which was annoying.
Ps in fairness I think you adjusted to Modok post nerf... there was a time he would get like 30+ kills as AW boss before the issue was fixed...
Don’t sweat it man... some just consider themselves superior, no matter what you have to say. You don’t need to explain anything. Don’t really understand this guy, as he was plat3 last season. Leave him have few wars in tier 2 or plat 2, or 1... he’ll mellow down a bit after that. He’s one of the guys that doesn’t see anything wrong with the game, even if 99% of the rest of the players have issues with the app.It is what it is, and sadly this game is fading away, slowly but surely.
We were 2.8k ratings until we got our ratings reduced 2 wars back, which was quite interesting and definitely more beneficial than detrimental to my ally.
Anyway, who are you? Sorry can't check out your profile to see you're speaking from which perspective.
It's similar to how Nightcrawler was when he was first introduced. New champs will always get more kills until people figure out how to fight him. But anyway, once I figured out his sp1 timing it was easy to evade and not get hit. My block still does get broken by his sp1 if I block it so I doubt it was fixed.
Doesn’t really matter who i am, although it’s not hard to see my in game profile. By getting your war rating dropped, it means you guys are not all skill, you guys were up to some piloting or other stuff that was not allowed. Your attitude towards other members is not really justified, especially with your background. But to clarify from what perspective i’m talking, i was in a plat 3 alliance last season. I don’t want you to take my post personally, i have nothing against you, i just think you are not in a position to be so judgmental on others and act so superior, because you are an ok dude in day to day life. Peace! P.s: it’s only a game, nothing more
“In” a Plat3 Alliance is very different from “leading” one. And yes, we had our ratings reduced because we had one member go overseas for work during the off season and we piloted for him for the duration he was away.
Haha. Judgmental on others? Please re-read the first post. Wasn’t me throwing threats and accusing Kabam just because AW got harder and I can’t steamroll through it like I did before. Lol.
Bro really? Have you played the game lately? It’s not the only reason it’s the proverbial straw that broke the camels back....