REALLY, have all champs become Indestructible or Endure ???



  • igotgame1075igotgame1075 Member Posts: 49
    I've noticed this a fair bit. What I've also noticed is that when the opponent's hp gets down to 1% they all of a sudden become a lot more aggressive and user their ult's more freely to get in damage before you can K.O. them.
    It's as annoying as catch-up is in racing games against A.I.
  • JaffacakedJaffacaked Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    I've noticed it too. Got quite a few screenshot of lots of different champs it's happening too. Think it's happening way to often to just be coincidence.
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    It does seem weird. Someone mentioned it a week or two ago so I started watching, I do see a lot more champs stopping at 1% compared to 2 or 3. Not sure why. It might just be one of those things you just notice when they're only at 1%. I'm not saying it's a conspiracy but seems to happen more than you would think.
  • BLEEDlNG_DGEBLEEDlNG_DGE Member Posts: 324 ★★
    Yeah I've also experienced this a few times but never cared enough to be bothered about it. Usually happened with a damage over time debuff or special attack that ends right at 1%.
    Thought it's just bad luck but I'm a tad dubious now.
  • Metal_LicaMetal_Lica Member Posts: 51
    edited July 2018
    1% is the most common percentage for it to fall on. Imagine a 1000hp defender, 1% is 10hp but 14hp will still show as 1% because of rounding and because it doesn’t show 0% anything from 1hp to 14hp will show as 1%.
    Lets take 2% anything from 15 to 24hp will show as 2% which you can see is a smaller range
  • dparmdparm Member Posts: 109
    Easiest way to prove if there is a "cheat" is to time it. If someone's attack is supposed to cause bleed for 4 seconds, and we know they don't have a mastery to change that, but magically stops at 3.5 seconds, that's a huge red flag.
  • Metal_LicaMetal_Lica Member Posts: 51
    So continuing from my previous post, it takes more damage to get a defender from 1% to 0% (KO) than any other percentage. Let’s take the 1000hp defender again and say a hit that does 10 damage, any 10hp of damage will guarantee the health bar of dropping 1%.

    The health bar doesn’t show 0% in game so 1% of a 1000hp defender can be anything between 1hp and 14hp, so the same 10hp of damage that guaranteed the health bar to drop 1% wouldn’t necessarily KO the defender if they were on 1% as they may have 11-14hp left.
  • RocapRocap Member Posts: 222
    Back in my day we killed things instead of taking their pictures when they were almost dead.
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  • SaikologicalSaikological Member Posts: 45
    I think its great this is being brought up, cuz ive been experiencing this too. At first you think its indeed unlucky. But after like 10 times, the idea pops up that it might be something else. After many many times, there must be something more. Especially when i see others here have it as well.

    One example: i brought a 5/65 spark to war and fought a R3 magneto. easy enough normally. So i have 9 poise charges and he has 16% health. Normally i dont take such changes as he was over 2 bars of power, but i was thinking: 9 poise charges, my sp1 normally hits for like 15k and i can combo after stun, so shouldnt be a problem.
    Wrong... not a single crit on my part with 9 poise charges and 98% health?? after my sp1 and 5 hit combo, he still stands with 1% health and does his sp3. still makes me salty when i think of it. My fault for trying, but comon...
  • Davyb18Davyb18 Member Posts: 30
    This has been happening a lot to me also never questioned it till I saw this thread just seems to be a constant stream of champs left with 1 percent health no matter what
  • Momosbk88Momosbk88 Member Posts: 52
    Thats Kabams new way to cheat us. I have the self in a lot off Fights. Watch and you see that the Buffs wont work in the last %. Blood Buffs reduce not the corect Hp. And a lot of Alliance Members have the self.
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  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    Noticed it to, sometimes it costs me champions, somehow occasionally they'll be down near 1% and fire off a last ditch special and survive with hundreds or less health as the debuffs are killing them.
  • Kade7175Kade7175 Member Posts: 304 ★★
    I have assassin maxed and this started like 2 months ish ago. I noticed i qould have ko'd on a heavy and bam 1% health left. I just had a fight with magik that had 1% left and shouldve been down but came back super aggressive. Sucks the most in arena when willpower starts giving full percentages back when the match shoulda been over
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  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    I wonder if the degen over time debuffs like bleed are stopping when the defender hits zero, but active healing buff like salve or will power maybe keeping them alive
  • Starkiller_KE2_0Starkiller_KE2_0 Member Posts: 154
    dparm wrote: »
    Easiest way to prove if there is a "cheat" is to time it. If someone's attack is supposed to cause bleed for 4 seconds, and we know they don't have a mastery to change that, but magically stops at 3.5 seconds, that's a huge red flag.

    I decided to time the gif that was posted by OP, I timed his first bleed to be between 6 and 6.5 seconds (about 10 attempts, all about 6.12-6.38 but I gave room for human error), and the 4th bleed, triggered on the 9th hit of the attack, lasted only about 5.5 seconds (5.4-5.7). A wolverine bleed only lasts 5 seconds so i assume deep wounds is involved. The fact I did each 10 times and neither bleed seemed to match time with each other does seem to prove something is fishy @YoMoves
  • WelderofortuneWelderofortune Member Posts: 527 ★★
    I have been saved by this glitch in the arenas mostly because of letting them tag me with a special, by mistake. It is a liberating feeling to only have one percent of heath, live life to the fullest, and... take... them... down...
  • YoMovesYoMoves Member Posts: 1,286 ★★★★
    dparm wrote: »
    Easiest way to prove if there is a "cheat" is to time it. If someone's attack is supposed to cause bleed for 4 seconds, and we know they don't have a mastery to change that, but magically stops at 3.5 seconds, that's a huge red flag.

    I decided to time the gif that was posted by OP, I timed his first bleed to be between 6 and 6.5 seconds (about 10 attempts, all about 6.12-6.38 but I gave room for human error), and the 4th bleed, triggered on the 9th hit of the attack, lasted only about 5.5 seconds (5.4-5.7). A wolverine bleed only lasts 5 seconds so i assume deep wounds is involved. The fact I did each 10 times and neither bleed seemed to match time with each other does seem to prove something is fishy @YoMoves

    Are we still at this?! The fact that your time has any variance at all proves the unreliability of your numbers. There could have been a very easy mistake on your part. We're talking less than a full second off-that's easily accountable for human error. And if you're TRYING to find something wrong, simply psychology dictates that you might subconsciously skew your own results.

    There is nothing here. We're chasing wild geese. Move on.
  • Maat1985Maat1985 Member Posts: 2,412 ★★★★
    Quik maffs bro.....

    If your opponent has 10000hp then 1% of that 100hp.....
    So depending on exact rounding the game uses, but it most likely shows 1% once hp is under 200 ( less than 2% displays as 1%) maybe it is under 150.....
    But either way it will display. If your opponent is on 1000 and your attack does 850 it will display 1%.... if they are on 1% and they are bleeding at 30 hp per tick it will require many ticks for the actualy hp to reach 0. The whole time displaying 1%.
    The range of hp that that an opponent could have whilst the display shows 1% could vary greatly. Heck 300000hp would 1% when they have maybe even under 6000hp (2%)....

    It is all perception as you get excited and expect the end of a fight.
    Do some further research and collect more data.
    Choise any percentage lets say 51%.... lets see how many times an opponents health will be at 51% after a combo or bleed finishes... will be just the same as 1%.... you just dont notice it in the same way....
  • Maat1985Maat1985 Member Posts: 2,412 ★★★★
    Have you ever started a fight... hit your opponent.... and had it still show 100%???? I have many times.... when the opponent has high health.... or i have low attack... cus even though my hit did damage it was not enough to actually reduce the damage by 1%....
    I use WWii cap and Cap IW alot.... cus of their great block pro i very often end the foght whilst still on 100% evwn thoigh i have taken block damage.... before i start the next foght i can see my hp is missing some... yet when i start the next fight i still showw 100%.... this is exactly the same reason you see 1% alot....
    It will not show 0% until 0 hp. Even 1hp will display as 1%.
  • MEKA5MEKA5 Member Posts: 344 ★★
    If a champ in the arena, same PI as mine, has 4% health left, then Sparky lands a sp1 and he doesn't die, instead survives with the 1% left, twice in a's not about perception, he had to go down, K.O., kaputt! Happened so often in the last 2 weeks. There's something NOT working as it should.
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  • The1_NuclearOnionThe1_NuclearOnion Member Posts: 908 ★★★
    YoMoves wrote: »
    dparm wrote: »
    Easiest way to prove if there is a "cheat" is to time it. If someone's attack is supposed to cause bleed for 4 seconds, and we know they don't have a mastery to change that, but magically stops at 3.5 seconds, that's a huge red flag.

    I decided to time the gif that was posted by OP, I timed his first bleed to be between 6 and 6.5 seconds (about 10 attempts, all about 6.12-6.38 but I gave room for human error), and the 4th bleed, triggered on the 9th hit of the attack, lasted only about 5.5 seconds (5.4-5.7). A wolverine bleed only lasts 5 seconds so i assume deep wounds is involved. The fact I did each 10 times and neither bleed seemed to match time with each other does seem to prove something is fishy @YoMoves

    Are we still at this?! The fact that your time has any variance at all proves the unreliability of your numbers. There could have been a very easy mistake on your part. We're talking less than a full second off-that's easily accountable for human error. And if you're TRYING to find something wrong, simply psychology dictates that you might subconsciously skew your own results.

    There is nothing here. We're chasing wild geese. Move on.

    Although it is true that if you're trying to find something wrong, simple psychology "suggests" not "dictates" that you CAN skew your results. The problem with this is that multiple people from multiple different experiences and alliances have been noticing this 1% starting around the same time. No one was trying to find this to begin with. No one previously suggested this but it was instead discovered by many while playing. Our brains are amazing pattern recognition machines.
    After the discovery becomes consistent, our "reticular activating system" can cause you to notice it even more. Like when you buy a red truck and then you see red trucks everywhere. Your brain makes that pattern a priority now.
  • YoMovesYoMoves Member Posts: 1,286 ★★★★
    YoMoves wrote: »
    dparm wrote: »
    Easiest way to prove if there is a "cheat" is to time it. If someone's attack is supposed to cause bleed for 4 seconds, and we know they don't have a mastery to change that, but magically stops at 3.5 seconds, that's a huge red flag.

    I decided to time the gif that was posted by OP, I timed his first bleed to be between 6 and 6.5 seconds (about 10 attempts, all about 6.12-6.38 but I gave room for human error), and the 4th bleed, triggered on the 9th hit of the attack, lasted only about 5.5 seconds (5.4-5.7). A wolverine bleed only lasts 5 seconds so i assume deep wounds is involved. The fact I did each 10 times and neither bleed seemed to match time with each other does seem to prove something is fishy @YoMoves

    Are we still at this?! The fact that your time has any variance at all proves the unreliability of your numbers. There could have been a very easy mistake on your part. We're talking less than a full second off-that's easily accountable for human error. And if you're TRYING to find something wrong, simply psychology dictates that you might subconsciously skew your own results.

    There is nothing here. We're chasing wild geese. Move on.

    Although it is true that if you're trying to find something wrong, simple psychology "suggests" not "dictates" that you CAN skew your results. The problem with this is that multiple people from multiple different experiences and alliances have been noticing this 1% starting around the same time. No one was trying to find this to begin with. No one previously suggested this but it was instead discovered by many while playing. Our brains are amazing pattern recognition machines.
    After the discovery becomes consistent, our "reticular activating system" can cause you to notice it even more. Like when you buy a red truck and then you see red trucks everywhere. Your brain makes that pattern a priority now.

    Meanwhile, I haven't seen this at all. The damage counter whenever I leave an enemy at 1% is always the same. There's no change I've ever seen and this wild goose chase is clearly as much, as Kabam hasn't given this thread even the remotest time of day. If there was ANY basis behind it they'd at least have said SOMETHING. You guys are noticing bad luck and claiming it to be the will of the Kabam gods.
  • ZAQZAQ Member Posts: 35
    ai cheat
    edited August 2018
    I've noticed it as well. I do a lot of pvp and it's definitely there about 15%_20% of the time your damage over time debuff miraculously stops when the opponent has 1% life left. The bad part is that a lot of the time those champs will go all squirly and come at you with a 10 hit combo (yes 10 hits not 5) and no matter what you do you can't evade or even block them. This has been happening that I've noticed since v18 at least.
  • sunnykpsunnykp Member Posts: 22
    I have been facing the same thing quite often now.. champs who should have got KOed with the final hits keep standing at 1% health (happens usually when i try to finish off with a sp). Sometimes they hit zero at the end of the sp animation but revert to 1% immediately after. its a bug for sure
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