ISO Farming advice!
Okay so I'm currently a level 44 so keep in mind I don't have act 5 unlocked in story mode yet cuz I'm not good enough lol I am currently on act 4 ch 2 but those arr very hard for me to complete so now that that's said, where can I farm ISO at? Preferably 125s and up I have so many 4*s that need leveled and just got my first 5* recently but have no where near enough iso for them. So if anyone knows of any event /story quests that gives great iso(after full exploration of the quests cuz I have everything explored already) please, comment below. -Shannon_24~1
Indeed, this is the most effective way. Why?
You level up a champ using a class iso matching to the champ, is cheaper than generic iso or wrong class iso.
So even if you farmed huge amount of generic iso and leveling up a few champs, you realized you short of gold.
So to make sure you have sufficient gold and iso rank up when only you have matching class iso and sell the generic ISO for extra gold if it make sense.