What is this power bar situation - what is the logic behind this.

Now , my two 5 hits combo which is 10 hits in total including two medium hits is not enough for one bar of special attack. This gap will increase for special 2 , this is inconsistent but very annoying. I don’t know why kabam made this change but this is not the case previously, my special attacks will raise my power bar always. For example if I am using Hawkeye, I tend to use his special 1 attack more often and I expect that while using my special 1 it will give me some power to raise my power meter. This is not happening any more. Instead I have to attempt 3 combo hits (5hit combo) to reach to a 1 special attack bar.
What is the logic behind this. Why two hit combo (10hits ) aren’t enough for one bar of power.
I hope community also facing this or experiencing this situation. Will not call it a “issue”for discussion purpose.
What is the logic behind this. Why two hit combo (10hits ) aren’t enough for one bar of power.
I hope community also facing this or experiencing this situation. Will not call it a “issue”for discussion purpose.
Which Champion are you using? What Rank and Rarity are they?
Yes, you get close to a bar of power IIRC from getting hit by a L3 special. I think there might be a couple other champs that don’t generate power on specials, too. Maybe MODOK?
Hi Miike, why I have stated this cause , I use to get my one bar of power in two combos , when I parry , that blocking attack also gives my a bit of increase in power meter and two combos were enough to complete one special attack bar. Now it’s not happening my parry didn’t add any things even my special attacks are not adding any raise in power meter. On,y hits are working and I don’t know if medium hit is working properly cause , if you use stark spidy special 1 on recurring basis , medium attack hit is most important.
I have used Drax, Hawkeye, AA, blade , and have seen with almost everyone.
Well it’s not happening, test it in arena or quest you will feel.
Medium parried hits will give u more power than a light parried hit
Nope , I use AA,Drax and Hawkeye, all 5* two rank 4 Hawkeye rank 3 , but it’s not the case before, also check if you use special attacks 1 or 2 , you should be getting some power gain but now it’s not happening.
Are you trying to say you get power if you use a special? Because that’s never happened and shouldn’t happen.
Opponent doesn’t gain power from GR’s L3
I honestly don’t know if I can comment on “never happened “ I am playing this game for almost 2 years and I have seen a lot of changes so it’s hard to say when this stopped but using special attacks will always gives you power gain if you count special attacks as a hit.
Special attacks do not provide you with power unless it specifically states it in the character’s ability like AoU Vision’s special (when awakened), Magik L2, DV L3, etc.
Did this happen against tech champions in arena? If so the tech collar mastery could explain this, or maybe champions like Green Goblin who reduce champion power gain under certain circumstances.