About the semi recent passive evade buff change

Do you guys consider that a Buff to Symb Spidey and Spider Gwen, or a nerf to buff nullifiers. Because I can really tell how the community feels on stuff like this half the time.
But I do think most people relying on nullifiers will disagree with that.
I think cosmic spidey being an active buff made sense in the universe because of venom's buffs being active. Making it passive breaks something in my reasoning. That being said, I always thought active buff evades were weird. Couple that with Cosmic champs supposed to be based off buffs and science champs supposed to be based off abilities that cant be nullified, consider me confused all around, even with how things were.
With cosmic spidey, you previously had three ways of decreasing evade:
1. AAR
2. Power Control
3. Nullify/Counterspell
With that range of choices, it made him a sub-par defender imo. By making it passive, I think it opens up more opportunities for rank up for defense.
Honestly I don’t think this will change much in war. He will still be easily countered. AAR and power control will still render him ineffective. This update will just help in future quests they design. Like how Sym Spidey was the “miniboss” before the Ghost boss in EQ.
It by no means makes him a great defender. Just a slight bump up from what he was. Not r4 worthy, but id sink resources into him for r3 5* I think.