Act 5.2.4

The_Boss9The_Boss9 Member Posts: 1,390 ★★★
I really need help I’ve been stuck on 5.2.4 for months it’s jsut so frustrating could someone give me advice for this quest (ie what path to take etc?) thanks!!!


  • Six_strings6Six_strings6 Member Posts: 223 ★★
    Archangel or sabretooth with the killmonger work well
  • gannicus0830gannicus0830 Member Posts: 704 ★★★★
    Open up that wallet bud, the next three chapters are a vulgar cash-grab. You won't become uncollected without spending, unless you've been saving every crystal since your first login.
  • IcsGrecIcsGrec Member Posts: 919 ★★★
    Open up that wallet bud, the next three chapters are a vulgar cash-grab. You won't become uncollected without spending, unless you've been saving every crystal since your first login.
    I became uncollected without spending a single cent. 5.2.4 5.2.5 and 5.2.6 are hard, but doable with lots of concentration.

    I can’t remember which path I took (i can check tomorrow morning and come back with a reply on that)

    What i do remember is that i have used Hulk (5/50), stark (5/50) x23 (3/45) crossbones (3/45) and Ghost Rider (5/50) to clear it (all uncollected-related quests, in fact)
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    edited July 2018
    For me, that was the hardest one to get through. I'm currently going through it again for full exploration and can say the easiest path is probably the bottom left "loop". Hardest, by far, was the Caltrops path (teleport down/left) simply because I don't have very many champs that are both bleed immune and high damage (Luke Cage did most of the heavy lifting for me). Still have the Limber path remaining though...

    From the start, go up through YJ then left to Deadpool. You have a strong chance of being ambushed at some point (typically Cable, but can be others).

    For the attack team, I went with my high-damage bleeders. AA, Gwenpool, Guillotine, X23, etc. Having huge debuff-generating champs allowed me to play normally (i.e. parry) through most of the content while still out-damaging the regen they have.

    The only genuinely challenging fight was the Cable ambush since he procs degen if you make him bleed.
  • bm3eppsbm3epps Member Posts: 1,172 ★★★
    Easiest path

  • CyporgCyporg Member Posts: 304 ★★
    I was surprised to see Cable pop up in an ambush, that was disheartening. I was able to get through 5.2.4 with a couple revives though. I got uncollected a few weeks ago, also did it without spending any units. Just saved up revives for a couple months.
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    I was stuck on that quest for about half a year and eventually just said “screw it” and powered through. Just stock up revives and hope for the best. Also take the path with Colossus and Punisher. Definitely the easiest.
  • NabiletyNabilety Member Posts: 54
    edited July 2018
    Can you tell us which top champions you have - cause this map requires damage most of all.
  • DL864DL864 Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★
    Yeah that was definitely the hardest part of 5.2 outside the collector. 5.2.5 is much easier
  • Mitchell35Mitchell35 Member Posts: 1,897 ★★★★
    Open up that wallet bud, the next three chapters are a vulgar cash-grab. You won't become uncollected without spending, unless you've been saving every crystal since your first login.

    *cough* @BrianGrant *cough*
  • The_Boss9The_Boss9 Member Posts: 1,390 ★★★
    I have some high damage I have 5* Medusa 5* gp max 4* AA but I haven’t been using them I would think healing would outdo the damage
  • The_Boss9The_Boss9 Member Posts: 1,390 ★★★
    My other top champs are mephisto, doc oct, NC, RH, and magik
  • TheGumbaTheGumba Member Posts: 27
    5.2.4/5/6 are tough but doable without spending units. I was stuck on 5.2.4 for over 6 months but finally just went for it & completed 5.2 using only a few revives. Try using the 20-30% attack, health & attack/health boosts too, that'll make your high dmg champs even stronger.
    PS. The Collector really sucks.
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  • ZADO1991ZADO1991 Member Posts: 109
    On my first run I had cable showing up and restarted. Lol
  • The_Boss9The_Boss9 Member Posts: 1,390 ★★★
    Thanks for all the tips! I’ll defiantly use them when doin. This quest!
  • The_Boss9The_Boss9 Member Posts: 1,390 ★★★
    I also have a duped SL I forgot to mention should I use him at all for this quest?
  • Isman1998Isman1998 Member Posts: 520 ★★★
    I just started doing the exploration earlier today. Yondu, Archangel, Thor, Magik, Doctor Voodoo, Blade all work pretty well. You also might wanna bring a bleed immune for Caltdrops.
  • PWETMALU159PWETMALU159 Member Posts: 21
    Can some one pick my team for uncollected? My champs:
    All 4 star
    Blade Void Magik Ghost Ghost Rider Scarlet Witch Symbiote Supreme DD Classic Quake Massacre Sabertooth Corvus Glaive Mephisto Vision
    Pls help me also who to bring
  • The_Boss9The_Boss9 Member Posts: 1,390 ★★★

    Can some one pick my team for uncollected? My champs:
    All 4 star
    Blade Void Magik Ghost Ghost Rider Scarlet Witch Symbiote Supreme DD Classic Quake Massacre Sabertooth Corvus Glaive Mephisto Vision
    Pls help me also who to bring

    Uhh, reviving dead posts much? Why not make another post? Lol
  • dot_dittodot_ditto Member Posts: 1,442 ★★★★

    Archangel or sabretooth with the killmonger work well

    These are good answers, btw ... ;)

    not everyone has all these champs ..

    me for example: No Archangel, No Sabretooth, no Killmonger ... LOL :)
    any other suggestions? :pensive:
  • HSCHSC Member Posts: 87
    Nabilety said:

    So initially, if you're just trying to complete the map, you should go path A with Optimist and Pessimist nodes - like @bm3epps mentioned. My tips:

    • It is important that you don't disregard the Role Reversal global node, in all 5.2 maps, because this will help you do more damage, as well as take less damage - so choose your top damage champions and try to bring along champions with different classes to counter Role Reversal a bit.
    • Try to time your specials and general abilities that you want to apply on your opponent, with the champions you use, by taking advantage of your Parry mastery. The opponent is gonna heal regardless, but the point is get as much damage as possible. For example, if you're going to use Gwenpool's 2nd special, make sure that you parry your opponent to trigger the masochism (if it's not already triggered), and then use your 2nd special.
    • Remember that, when you use your parry to generate the stun on your opponent, and trigger his masochism, it will instantly be removed. So don't put your guards down (keep blocking) and be aware of heavy attacks, while you block.
    • Don't panic if you don't get to use your special, because the AI decided to play passively or whatever. Wait and try again. It's all about damage.

    In case you're not sure which champions to use, assuming you're gonna go path A, here's what I recommend to fight your opponents:
    1. Magik against Yellow Jacket, make use of Magik's 2nd special, but remember to trigger the masochism before using it. If you find it hard to evade Yellow Jacket's specials, read what I commented in this link below:
    2. Gwenpool against Deadpool (Classic). Pretty much just bleed him to death.
    3. Gwenpool or Medusa against Colossus. Gwenpool might be ideal because of class advantage, but Medusa can also be useful cause of her armor breaks. I personally would use Medusa cause she only will have class advantage against one opponent in this path, which is Loki, while your Gwenpool has to fight against Deadpool (Classic) as well Deadpool (X-Force).
    4. Red Hulk against Punisher. Try to bait Punisher's 1st special, and don't let him get to his 2nd special because that hurts much. His 1st special you just have to eat with your block, which hurts a bit, but not too much because of Role Reversal.
    5. Archangel against Iron Patriot. Bleed him to death as well. But be careful with his signature ability, which gives him power at around 10-15% health if I remember correctly. So, if he's close to that amount of health, try to bait his special first before doing some heavy damage.
    6. Archangel against Iron Man. Bleed him to death as well.
    7. Gwenpool against Deadpool (X-Force). Bleed him to death as well.
    8. Archangel against War Machine. Bleed him to death as well.
    9. Magik against Hulk (assuming that you kicked Yellow Jacket's behind without any trouble by evading his specials). Also make use of her 2nd special against him. If your Magik didn't survive until now, then you can make use of your Mephisto. Evading Hulk's 1st special is a bit problematic sometimes, so try to get him to his 2nd special if possible, but don't make it your goal, because how sudden the AI can active the 1st special. Maybe watch some tutorials on how to evade Hulk if you have problem with that.
    10. Medusa against Loki. Just kill him.

    Notice, that I didn't pick your Doc Octopus because there simply is no opponent you will face that is of cosmic class, so there is no particular need for him. Instead, try to bring more champions of a specific class if you're going to fight against opponents that have the same classes, like Iron Man, Iron Patriot and War Machine on path A (however, Archangel is strong enough to handle this one alone).

    Sorry I know this sounds like much, but since this is the hardest map in 5.2, I wanted to explain it in depth and thorough.

    If you're aiming to fully explore the map, I would have to add more to this list, because how difficult the likes of Magik will be to fight - just @ me if that's the case.

    Good luck!
    Hi, I need your advice.

    I have enough to bring Max 4* AA or rank up 5* x23 to R3 (i can awaken x23 if need to).

    who should i focus on?

    I am stuck at 5.2.4.

    appreciate your response.
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  • YodaKajYodaKaj Member Posts: 225
    edited June 2020

    Guys, I want to start 5.2.4 to 5.2.6 with the attached team. Is it good enough?
    Should I change or upgrade any of my benchwarmers?
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