Just got enough skill t4cc to rank up one of my skill champs who should I rank up?

Grant_gustin7Grant_gustin7 Member Posts: 8
edited July 2017 in Strategy and Tips
I have duped 4* 4/40, winter soldier, classic daredevil and Hawkeye. And I have a duped 5* classic black panther. Who should I rank up first; or should I wait?

Just got enough skill t4cc to rank up one of my skill champs who should I rank up? 42 votes

4* winter soldier
PaytoPlay 1 vote
4* classic daredevil
AppieIts_RohaNAxeCopFireAppleisgodEvil_TwinSolrac_2Mustafa_Burak 7 votes
4* hawkeye
CrusherOfDreamsGroundedWisdomLoPresti 3 votes
5* classic black panther
Kronos987654321LeNoirFaineantSmokinSurferI_ForgotTheManMythLegendtrey92008NikoBravoXillymanSpartacus29Alpha07whaler213DarkArrow07Jim0172HoidCosmereSummonerB2MarsRuiRuiCkling2 17 votes
Wait for different option
dRaghu7SMiller80TheLazyKingDK1825zuffyVartoxSpeedbumpSpiritThawnimKLee_Plu5KromestoneFitnesscwSwagriff6Mandagar 14 votes


  • Natural_Born_NinjaNatural_Born_Ninja Member Posts: 50
    I would wait for crossbones, gwenpool, black widow
  • RehctansBewRehctansBew Member Posts: 442 ★★★
    Need more info @Grant_gustin7
    Are any of them duped and what Level Sig?
  • Grant_gustin7Grant_gustin7 Member Posts: 8
    All duped....black panther sig 33, winter and daredevil at sig 40 and Hawkeye at sig 20
  • Swagriff6Swagriff6 Member Posts: 1
    Wait for different option
    Wait for Gwenpool
  • SMiller80SMiller80 Member Posts: 230 ★★
    Wait for different option
    I'd wait. There are better 5* and 4* champs. Yes, GP is near the top of that list. Also a duped Punisher as 4*. As a 5*, WS and Elektra are both better options than either BP.
  • Grant_gustin7Grant_gustin7 Member Posts: 8
    Is the updated winter soldier still that bad or are the rest just better?
  • KLee_Plu5KLee_Plu5 Member Posts: 34
    Wait for different option
    @Grant_gustin7 the rest are just better. Of all the champs you listed, Classic Daredevil would be my pick because that projectile evade is too good, especially now with Act 5.2's Collector boss's specials being un-dodgeable.

    But you're missing Gwenpool, Crossbones, Elektra, and Black Widow, who are all amazing champs.

    I would zoom out and take a look at how fast you're getting new 4* crystals. How long does it take for you to have another 4* opening? If it doesn't take that long, then I'd hold onto those catalysts and wait until you pull an even better skill champ.

    But just saying... that classic Daredevil is gonna be very valuable to you in the late game.
  • SummonerB2SummonerB2 Member Posts: 556
    5* classic black panther
    You should rank up classic black panther because a 5* is a 5*
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    4* hawkeye
    Is the updated winter soldier still that bad or are the rest just better?

    Winter Soldier used to be bad. Now he's decent. I'd say he's slightly worse than all of these champs. Hawkeye would be my choice. Black Panther next. After that, I'd wait. Winter Soldier is good, but he shouldn't be your top option. Same with DD.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,869 ★★★★★
    4* hawkeye
    If you don't want to wait, I'd go with HE. Bleed, Hem., Power Drain. Always useful.
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