Why do users like Deadpool?

Am I missing something? His Special 3 is weak and his Speical 1 isn’t that effective. Admittedly the bleed on Special 2 is good but honestly I like Colosus (who universally considered horrible) more than Deadpool. At least he’s bleed immune.
If the original, it might be because of his huge regen, or because he is very limited and not available in crystals.
If the X-force one ... I never heard anyone liking him
Still pretty mediocre though... I would never use my 6* even if he was duped. His bleed is pretty weak also.
All true. He's not the greatest or anything, but he was one of my first 3* like 2 1/2 years ago, and I like champs that cause bleed, so he remains a favorite of mine personally....plus I have DW mastery maxed. Now I use him as a 4* on occasion still, in questing or whatnot. I only have Redpool in a 3.
To be honest, I think it's because he's the game's unofficial mascot, and he's also pretty limited.
I honestly didn't think he was available at all
Wondering if he was offered again.
I for one is chasing after an mutant/awakening gem to be used on Deadpool due to his regen will be very useful in map5-6.
I stopped for a couple of months. Probably could have missed cutoff too.
Well the cutoff of mine was 22,3million.