Community needs to do better



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,986 ★★★★★
    Rets wrote: »
    These ppl probably never fought Shao Kahn at Mortal Kombat 3


    I remember that. Lol.
  • FR33_HUG5FR33_HUG5 Member Posts: 1,196 ★★★★
    ZzyzxGuy wrote: »
    That's because these kids didn't grow up on Nintendo.

    They would go into a rage coma if they ever played Ninja Gaiden, Abadox, Silver Surfer, etc.

    Battle Toads, N.A.R.C, Contra & Super C were also very unforgiving games.
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    edited August 2018
    Can’t use that poll as an accurate representation of who finds it hard or not as Many don’t even use the forums, others come to the forums to vent/rant, so if they happen to see that poll then that’s a perfect opportunity to vent.

    Edit: also works the other way around, people coming to forums just to bash players worse than them.
    Point is the poll won’t be an accurate representation of how people feel
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,986 ★★★★★
    FR33_HUG5 wrote: »
    ZzyzxGuy wrote: »
    That's because these kids didn't grow up on Nintendo.

    They would go into a rage coma if they ever played Ninja Gaiden, Abadox, Silver Surfer, etc.

    Battle Toads, N.A.R.C, Contra & Super C were also very unforgiving games.

    God, the Battletoads. Contra is burned in my brain too.
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  • JaffacakedJaffacaked Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    That's the problem. It's almost a sport to challenge people who think something is too hard, and they get drowned out in the process. If it wasn't for that process, there would have been no changes to Node 30. Nevertheless, if 21% of people have an issue with it, there's a problem. People are speaking for themsleves. Which is how it should be.

    There is a huge, huge difference between the difficulty of node 30 and of the Hydra Adaptoid (HA). The HA has unstoppable, a bit of avoidable regen, a small bit of power gain and unblockable under 25%, personally I don’t see the issue with it. It’s a kinda difficult fight, but I didn’t have an issue because I did research and worked out who I needed for it.

    He’s a robot, so I took nebula with Proxima synergy, he was shut down before the fight began. Others have discovered Ronan’s use with all the buffs, same with magik. Medusa shuts down robots better than nebula. Some used Corvus Glaive to outdamage everything. Some used Proxima midnight to be able to parry him under 25%. Some used void or guillotene to reverse healing. Every part of his abilities can be countered with champ abilities.

    You can’t research and prepare for node 30, it’s just crazy. You have to go in and try to fight well against counter tactics which makes the defenders attack insanely high. I would take the HA fight every time over node 30.

    If I thought yours, or anyone else’s concerns regarding Hydra adaptoid were valid, I would let them go on. There has never been a time on these forums where I’ve shut someone’s concerns regarding difficulty just for the sake of it. I’ve only ever challenged why they think that, and if I think the difficulty is alright, then I argue that. Why is your opinion valid, and it should get nerfed, and mine that it is alright is invalid?

    Node 30( now 29) does not have counter tactics, node 27 has it.
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  • DrBruceWayneDrBruceWayne Member Posts: 1,267 ★★★★
    That's the problem. It's almost a sport to challenge people who think something is too hard, and they get drowned out in the process. If it wasn't for that process, there would have been no changes to Node 30. Nevertheless, if 21% of people have an issue with it, there's a problem. People are speaking for themsleves. Which is how it should be.

    You can't really say 21%, there are many people who play MCOC without going on the forums, some just stick to Reddit
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  • DrBruceWayneDrBruceWayne Member Posts: 1,267 ★★★★
    Dropfaith wrote: »
    That's the problem. It's almost a sport to challenge people who think something is too hard, and they get drowned out in the process. If it wasn't for that process, there would have been no changes to Node 30. Nevertheless, if 21% of people have an issue with it, there's a problem. People are speaking for themsleves. Which is how it should be.

    You can't really say 21%, there are many people who play MCOC without going on the forums, some just stick to Reddit

    You also need to gauge that.

    21 percent
    Ok but most people only come to the forums when they have an issue..

    And are still drastically outnumbered.. I'd guess the actual stats is around 13 percent t of the players trying struggle which to me says alot about how fitting this challenge actually is.

    I completely agree. Honestly, there is a reason this forum and the MCOC subreddit exists, don't hesitate to ask for help and make civil discussions on how to beat a specific character/node! In my opinion, the game team have much bigger things to deal with
  • NabiletyNabilety Member Posts: 54
    Nabilety wrote: »
    It's not our responsibility to take everyone's inventory. It's perfectly fine if someone didn't find it that hard. When we start trying to silence other people and passing judgment because we don't agree, that's when it becomes a different situation. It haooens all the time. "You're not open to suggestions. You're whining. Git gud."......on and on. If people think it's too much, they're not asking for suggestions. They're asking to be heard. You can't force people to see things your way, and you can't make them follow what worked for you. Just because someone found a way around it doesn't mean there isn't a valid concern. That 21% equates 45 people. You can't dissect every person and debunk them as invalid. That's just tearing people down. That's the real issue. There's so much judging that goes on when someone thinks a piece of content is too hard. It's really not appropriate at all.

    I'm sorry, this is starting to sound like a therapy session, lol.
    If you're not open to suggestions, you're in denial - at that point, you're limiting your own growth. So, what's the purpose of being heard in that case?

    Who are we to make that assessment? Do we speak for other people? Do we know what their capabilities are and their mental state based on an opinion? Is it our job to force people to agree with us and see things our way? Are we the ones that assess someone's level of skill and open-mindedness and pass that along to the team based on what we screen as valid or not? No. Everyone speaks for themsleves and it's not our call to start passing judgment just because they don't agree with us. It's not our call to say who is right and who is wrong. It's just plain inappropriate.

    You're making this way too philosophical than what it is. So, what you're saying is that "being heard" is a one-way communication? You still haven't answered my question - what's the purpose of being heard in such scenarios? I understand if the purpose is just to vent out frustration and/or have others, who can actively listen/relate, because the content has no solution to avoid a particular outcome. But if there is a way to find a common ground, and you still make yourself the victim, how are we supposed to have a mutual understanding, and why am I supposed to listen at that point? That's like demonstrating about not having a job, because you didn't do your homework, when you were told to, and then start blaming the system for it (just a random analogy, I bet there is a much better analogy to this type of mindset).
  • Shaun01Shaun01 Member Posts: 250 ★★
    The issue is there is no patience within the community other than the true Veterans of the game. The ones that truly understand that there is an Answer for 99.9% of the "unbeatable" champs in the EQ and certain nodes in AW. The lack of skill paired with impatience equals an over abundance of items used. Instead of backing out and doing research, many choose to just push through costing them a small fortune then they come to the forums to complain about the unbeatable champ that cost them a fortune. So, that champ must be nerfed, when in fact it's the lack of Patience and experience that's the real problem......

    The More You Know****
  • GrimmbananaGrimmbanana Member Posts: 711 ★★
    the complaining shows how bad the community can be XD
  • DarthPhalDarthPhal Member Posts: 1,064 ★★★★
    If people think it's too much, they're not asking for suggestions. They're asking to be heard.

    I think this is the crux of your issue right here, and if you disagree I hope you respect my right to be heard and keep your suggestions to yourself because this is all just too much.
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  • edited August 2018
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,986 ★★★★★
    edited August 2018
    Nabilety wrote: »
    Nabilety wrote: »
    It's not our responsibility to take everyone's inventory. It's perfectly fine if someone didn't find it that hard. When we start trying to silence other people and passing judgment because we don't agree, that's when it becomes a different situation. It haooens all the time. "You're not open to suggestions. You're whining. Git gud."......on and on. If people think it's too much, they're not asking for suggestions. They're asking to be heard. You can't force people to see things your way, and you can't make them follow what worked for you. Just because someone found a way around it doesn't mean there isn't a valid concern. That 21% equates 45 people. You can't dissect every person and debunk them as invalid. That's just tearing people down. That's the real issue. There's so much judging that goes on when someone thinks a piece of content is too hard. It's really not appropriate at all.

    I'm sorry, this is starting to sound like a therapy session, lol.
    If you're not open to suggestions, you're in denial - at that point, you're limiting your own growth. So, what's the purpose of being heard in that case?

    Who are we to make that assessment? Do we speak for other people? Do we know what their capabilities are and their mental state based on an opinion? Is it our job to force people to agree with us and see things our way? Are we the ones that assess someone's level of skill and open-mindedness and pass that along to the team based on what we screen as valid or not? No. Everyone speaks for themsleves and it's not our call to start passing judgment just because they don't agree with us. It's not our call to say who is right and who is wrong. It's just plain inappropriate.

    You're making this way too philosophical than what it is. So, what you're saying is that "being heard" is a one-way communication? You still haven't answered my question - what's the purpose of being heard in such scenarios? I understand if the purpose is just to vent out frustration and/or have others, who can actively listen/relate, because the content has no solution to avoid a particular outcome. But if there is a way to find a common ground, and you still make yourself the victim, how are we supposed to have a mutual understanding, and why am I supposed to listen at that point? That's like demonstrating about not having a job, because you didn't do your homework, when you were told to, and then start blaming the system for it (just a random analogy, I bet there is a much better analogy to this type of mindset).

    The Forum is used for two primary reasons. The first is to converse with other Players. The second is to converse with staff. People provide feedback by way of the Forum. Being heard means providing feedback to the team. You can call it being Philosophical, but it's all about respecting people and what they have to say. It's beyond challenging someone's opinion. It's, for lack of a better term, harassing people who are having an issue with how difficult something is. It happens entirely too often on the Forum, and all it boils down to is being judgmental. People are just called whiners, their points are raked through the coals, and the opposition boasts about how easy the content is. It's really not cool. People deserve to say their peace without being called whiners, judged, abased, put on the spot, generalized, and otherwise-disrespectful forms of putting people down. It's not cool, no matter how proud people feel of their own abilities.
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  • Nick_Caine_32Nick_Caine_32 Member Posts: 587 ★★★★
    Hmmmm, I wonder who flagged my comment right after I wrote it and was posting at the exact same time on other threads? Interesting. I guess “hearing others” is fine unless you don’t like the content. And glad I got removed from the “ignore” option. Because ya know, all of that hearing going on.

    @TheSpicyKnight I think there is another thread happening on the forum where there may be some advice and counters discussed on her. Some did it with Sparky but Starlord did it for me just fine.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Dropfaith wrote: »
    Supreme gent

    That doesnt change my point tho 3.3m health Ultron would wreck people alot more then he does with 100 some k(its been awhile i.dont recall his healthpool)

    From the top of my head I think it’s 190k
  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,324 ★★★★★
    Figuring out how to overcome a difficult fight gives a sense of accomplishment. It takes time and experience to develop a deep roster and skill set.
  • DrBruceWayneDrBruceWayne Member Posts: 1,267 ★★★★
    This sounds like a thread hijacked yet again by someone who thinks “being heard” means having everyone agree with you and not express their opinion, or comment on yours - especially when it’s incorrect.

    This player came on this forum one day after the new content was released and asked for a nerf. When he was presented with helpful advice and counters already common in the game, AND told he needed to accept some events would be harder than others (like Thanos/ Guilly) he flipped it around and decided to play the victim, and now looks to be working out a therapy session in real time here.

    This new philosophy of “hearing others opinions and comments” and accepting them without challenge would be EXCELLENT advice for someone to take - someone who literally spends all of their spare time on this forum going against multitudes of other commenters, their opinions and arguing with their experience and advice. Countless threads have been shut down because he DID NOT LISTEN to the majority of players on thread after thread all agreeing on a topic, because he was on a noble quest to defend this gaming company at every turn. But NOW, because he found this content too challenging and burned all his stash the first day instead of listening and researching the content, he wants to gaslight everyone and act like some peacekeeper. Don’t fall for it.

    This is just like real life right now - someone say something blatantly wrong: “this event/boss is too hard and the content is harder than before, so it needs to be nerfed.” Others question that statement on a open forum designed for dialogue, and provide excellent advice and options for this player to try. They refuse and get upset and want everyone to “hear them” which translates to “tell them they are correct.” Using one tiny sample size on some poll where 21% of those responding say it’s hard isn’t validation of that opinion. And how many of those 21 something % responding are brand new players with accounts under level 21 anyway, who have no chance or knowledge of that topic anyway? A poll on this forum is meaningless. You ALWAYS go by the content, the discussion and the context of the issue. On this issue, it’s someone with too much ego and pride to admit they are wrong yet again about something they should know better on, and should probably start actually playing the game they clearly are so serious about. Two seconds on a Reddit search or reading this forum would have told someone to use a multitude of options to beat this content and we all have a full MONTH to practice and be patient. I did it with a three star Ronan I haven’t used in 3 years. And that’s ONE option of many. He doesn’t want discourse or discussion, he wants a pat on the back and validation, and this is yet another example where we should see it, call it out and not give it to him.

    Close the forum tab. Play the game. Stop gaslighting.

    Alternative facts aren’t facts still, and the fact here is that this player should take their own advice and start listening more and letting others have opinions, because I guarantee 9/10 times they’re gonna be more correct, accurate and helpful than anything he’s written in years on here. Kabam made a great quest this month and for someone at his level it should be no more difficult than any other month, but the only person holding him back from advancing and succeeding is himself. Period.

    This perfectly sums it up
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