Mordo's Block is Broke
I got my Mordo from the arena the other day and started fighting with him yesterday. Right away I noticed when I do a combo and then try to block, there's a consistent lag. This happens against ANY fighter, in any arena/map. I've used him in all the catalyst daily arenas, Dr. Strange arena, and normal Guardians event with the same results. If the AI is aggressive, I get rolled, if it stalls a bit before it retaliates, I can usually recover and block. You'll see from the video below though, the lag is consistently there, but only after a combo attack.
ipad Mini-4 latest iOS, latest build of mcoc (happens on my iphone 7+ too)
ipad Mini-4 latest iOS, latest build of mcoc (happens on my iphone 7+ too)
I've been emailing kabam & they're aware of this problem.
And yet it's been a problem for at least five months and it's not even in the "Known Issues" thread. Kabam needs to fix this because Mordo is basically unplayable like this, and it sucks for everyone who spent all their time grinding arena recently to get him.
I totally agree with you man. Right now he's my top mystic & I have to find ways around him getting torn to shreds after a 5-hit combo.
Do a 4 hit combo, or as a previous post said, end your combo in a medium hit
I'm doing that now but as much money as some of us pay in game, we shouldn't have to.
Right! I'm glad am not alone in this! I thought I was tripping at first...
anyone using ghost rider for one. That's utterly besides the point man.
He's one of my strongest & I can't (won't) use him for anything but defense in AW