Cenimatic quest

I bought all 5 of the war machine crystals on my girlfriends account, then opened every crystal she had that obtained champions and bought 3 more cinematic crystal to not even get a 2* war machine. Katwoman1819 is her in game name. How can she complete quests when you can't get the champions to do it?
The point @TheSquish671 is making, is that they will be available for free and very easily farm-able by August 8th. And the quests will be available to 100% right up to the end of the event. So plenty of time to go back and 100% any lanes missed due to not having a champ.
I don’t know for sure but knowing kabam it’s probably on the cards and will be the next thing to blow up on here... only way to complete 100% and get that 5* crystal will be to buy the feature to get desired champ