Someone please tell me Massacre is good.

St333lllSt333lll Member Posts: 278
Just opened him up. And I'm hoping he's useful



  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,815 ★★★★★
    Hes better duped
  • IsThisLossIsThisLoss Member Posts: 257 ★★
    at least hes fun i guess
  • IsThisLossIsThisLoss Member Posts: 257 ★★
    i wouldnt rank him
  • AngelicsignAngelicsign Member Posts: 391 ★★
    He loves corndog
  • AnthinhoAnthinho Member Posts: 256
    Hes amazing
  • AxeCopFireAxeCopFire Member Posts: 1,115 ★★★
    Masacre is good
  • edited August 2018
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  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,815 ★★★★★

    As a champ that when you use he has debuffs on his opponent 95%+ of the time, his sig is rather irrelevant when it’s slightly increased power gain and crit rating when the opponent has NO debuffs on them. It’d be like if blade’s signature was increased attack while the opponent is not bleeding, alright, but not needed at all.

    Massacre is great because he doesn’t need to be duped, and his sig doesn’t add very much to him.

    Makes sense. I dont have him but I was going off what my alliance mates were saying and what I read. So hes like a Skill version of Angela.
  • beyonder8421beyonder8421 Member Posts: 881 ★★★
    He is actually Masacre, not massacre. As that is the name Deadpool has in translated to spanish comic-books.
  • Mitchell35Mitchell35 Member Posts: 1,897 ★★★★

    As a champ that when you use he has debuffs on his opponent 95%+ of the time, his sig is rather irrelevant when it’s slightly increased power gain and crit rating when the opponent has NO debuffs on them. It’d be like if blade’s signature was increased attack while the opponent is not bleeding, alright, but not needed at all.

    Massacre is great because he doesn’t need to be duped, and his sig doesn’t add very much to him.

    Attack MLLL into block parry and repeat until bat is lighted then tempo attack to incinerate + spam special 1

    Agree with above quote, this is just the strategy
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Demonzfyre wrote: »

    Makes sense. I dont have him but I was going off what my alliance mates were saying and what I read. So hes like a Skill version of Angela.

    I think comparing anyone’s sig to angela’s would make the formers sig seem vastly more appealing. Hers is actually the most useless in the entire game. But yeah, kinda.

    I think Massacres sig has uses, for example, I’m pretty sure when fighting debuff immune champs, it treats them as though they are immune to incinerate, so he does energy damage against them regardless, couple this with increase crit and power gain and he’d be pretty good against debuff immune. Even if he doesn’t do the extra damage, he’s still an option against debuff immune.

    I think of it like Corvus Glaive’s Sig. nice to have, in very few situations. (For massacre, debuff immune. For Corvus, damage over time)
  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    He’s a fun champ but I wouldn’t necessarily call him top tier. He does have some utility though especially with disorient and a heal blocker when paired with despair.
  • WhathappenedWhathappened Member Posts: 747 ★★★
    He's a really good champ but somewhat situational. He seems built for longer fights, seems to take a little while to get going. Doesn't mean he's bad at short fights but to get his potential he needs ramp up time. Definitely look at YouTube. His damage output can be impressive. I'm pretty sure Seatin uses him a fair amount but not sure who else. He's a great pull. Congrats...
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,209 ★★★★★
    I haven't played with him, but remember fighting him. He's good at taking down very defensive opponents as he's got good block penetration and his SP2 does insane damage even if blocked. Luckily it's not (usually) too hard to avoid with Dex. I did have this awkward screen malfunction that made it a little harder in arena recently:

  • XxOriginalxXXxOriginalxX Member Posts: 1,324 ★★★
    He’s infinite amounts of fun, all three of his specials are satisfying and fun to fire off, and insane damage if played to a tea
  • AcanthusAcanthus Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    edited August 2018
    Demonzfyre wrote: »
    Hes better duped

    Hot take
  • TragicTragic Member Posts: 16
    Fun champ, amazing animations, can have high damage in longer fights. I would take him to rank 3 and see how you like him.
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  • BeginthEndBeginthEnd Member Posts: 334
    edited November 2018

    Far more better indeed.tlmn278qrnpd.jpeg

    Awesome Skill champ. Use his sp3 on incinerated opponents for maximum carnage. Can retain his -50% ability accuracy reduction indefinitely. Perfect counter for IMIW, Medusa, “insert auto-block, evade champ” Not so good against opponents with ability to shrug off his debuffs though.
  • allinashesallinashes Member Posts: 866 ★★★
    Masacre is very good on his own and has a bonkers synergy combo with Domino and Rulk. Even on his own his damage output is very good as long as that bat is ignited. A heavy on an incinerated opponent has a good chance to reignite his bat making it easy to keep the damage rolling especially when the synergy is active.
  • axelelf_1axelelf_1 Member Posts: 775 ★★★
    I love Masacre. As others said, if you run him with Domino and Rhulk, he's awesome. Once that bat's ignited, opponents get an incinerate debuff hitting into your block (with synergy). Medusa unleashed a sp2 into my block and got herself 16 incinerate debuffs (can't remember how many she had going before, just remember the 16).
  • Ingi_Freyr1975Ingi_Freyr1975 Member Posts: 175
    I absolutely love my Masacre. He was also the missing puzzle in my Domino Rulk trinity. He has such a good DOT and after his bat is ignited he just melts his opponents. Also they get incinerated when hitting into his block if the bat is ignited so he has one of the most powerful blocks out there. He is very fun to use and suits aggressive playstyle very well.
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    Demonzfyre wrote: »

    Makes sense. I dont have him but I was going off what my alliance mates were saying and what I read. So hes like a Skill version of Angela.

    His sig is more useful than angela's, when he's against debuff/incinerate/bleed immune opponents or champs that shrug off debuffs the sig can be quite good
  • AhitlawAhitlaw Member Posts: 2,123 ★★★★
    His signature ability is honestly only good for extra power gained per hit. Doesn't really affect his crit rating enough to ignite faster. Mines pretty high sign and I have lesser precision,and precision maxed. Still feel as if those masteries are broke but I'm too dumb to figure it out
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  • RajutedaRajuteda Member Posts: 565 ★★

    As a champ that when you use he has debuffs on his opponent 95%+ of the time, his sig is rather irrelevant when it’s slightly increased power gain and crit rating when the opponent has NO debuffs on them. It’d be like if blade’s signature was increased attack while the opponent is not bleeding, alright, but not needed at all.

    Massacre is great because he doesn’t need to be duped, and his sig doesn’t add very much to him.

    Very very useful for debuff immune and champs that shrugg debuffs off

    Definitely the dupe has its uses
  • EffectiveEffective Member Posts: 111
    He's great.


    If sp2 is ready, hit into the opponents block and activate. It does more damage blocked. Immediately follow with a medium hit to try and activate a combo. He can't be hit after a blocked sp2.
  • SDPSDP Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    edited November 2018
    Mitchell35 wrote: »

    Attack MLLL into block parry and repeat until bat is lighted then tempo attack to incinerate + spam special 1

    Agree with above quote, this is just the strategy

    This. He requires you to be very aggressive and hit into block. End on light attack. Ignite. L1 and heavies.
  • BeginthEndBeginthEnd Member Posts: 334
    edited November 2018

    No one else said it.. but why not. You want a reason. ?
    I’ll give you three.

    •Red Hulk• •Masacare• •Domiono•

    Meet Voltron.
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