Reasonable compensation thread.

Let’s help Kabam out. Post a compensation package of 5 items/crystals that would boost morale and get players excited. Please be reasonable so Kabam can look over this and hopefully issue out compensation sooner than later.
• T2 Alpha Cat
•T 5 cat shards
• 5 star awakening gem
• 5 star Shards
• 4 or 6 star shards depending on player class.
• T2 Alpha Cat
•T 5 cat shards
• 5 star awakening gem
• 5 star Shards
• 4 or 6 star shards depending on player class.
This would not surprise me
I have had my inputs not being read by the computer too, I thought it was just my phone (6S so kind of old).
Last night I had to restart 5.3.1 because my Hyperion decided he didn't want to block any attacks.
They're going to have to do something like they did after 12.0, hand out compensation based off of power rating for players.
3 mid tier health, attack, and champion boosts
10 energy refills (TONS were wasted over the time we’ve lost)
5000 5* shards (this is hard to say, considering I lost over 16000 or so shards do to my loss of reaching the usual 1-10% in 5* arena, but others don’t even touch arenas... not sure how to compensate this fairly... not to mention people’s inability to complete EQ, the Evangeline challenge, the master rifts as a result...)
9000 T2A shards (part of rift compensation)
10 Map 5 crystals
6 Map 6 crystals
2000 Glory (dunno)
And a few potions and revives...
The 5* shards and T2A shards could be part of some system like 12.0 where if you cross a certain threshold you receive certain amounts... idk though
They dont care, and will not care ever again.
Let's just let die this game and move on
As a software engineer myself, we promise our customers 99.5% uptime, so we make it a priority and have redundancy built in with rolling upgrades which results in almost no downtime. It really seems like the problems are getting worse with no end in sight. I actually spend more time playing other games now, which is starting to shift my priorities ...
Once and forever, stop posting about AGems!!! IT WON´T GONNA HAPPEN! There has been no nerf, and in the past we only got once AGem chrystal, after 12.0, which was a ..... yes exactly a NERF. That time not everybody got a 5* AGem, you had to be at a certain level in the game. Don´t get me wrong, I´m not against compenstion, but AGems should be earned. Not every Player diserves the same compensation. I expect a compensation according to the individuals´s level in the game. Different boost, potions, shards would be great, but i´m afraid we get s**t.
Each month should be evaluated separately.