Please change AQ default map kabam!!

This isn’t a very hard request and probably a very easy fix, so please change this back to what it was. My group and others I’ve seen had map 5 as our default map EVERY TIME this whole season, and when you launched the debacle of a start to peak milestones, it’s now reverting to map 2 every time. We’ve accidentally launched this twice now. Why is map 2 defaulting when we run map 5 all the time? Why did this need to change at all? It was due to a bug at first anyway, it’s not asking too much to have it fixed.
Yup and I don’t understand why asking for it to be changed for ease is such a hard request. Got someone upset here who’s flagging all my comments as well, which I was told is against forum rules. So who knows. Never said it wasn’t my guys fault for not checking, but we’ve never had an issue until there was a bug and the default changed, and I can’t believe we are the only group who’s done this.
I can still see Threads opened. It doesn't matter what Map you play. It literally takes a second to check before entering. No one is in that much of a rush in AQ.
As you were. Taking shots at my Ally is not going to change the fact that it's Human Error. Good luck with your Thread.
I think it’s funny that you can make a thread asking for something in the game to be changed or altered, yet when others ask for a simple housekeeping change after it was altered from a bug, were supposed to just be quiet and not say a word. You got called out on your threads for not letting others express their opinions or concerns, and you even said you wanted them to be able to do so without others antagonizing them.
Yet here you are commenting and being nasty. Shocker.
If you don’t have anything to contribute to this question, and your group doesn’t run map 5 and hasn’t the whole season, then you can leave. This was asking kabam to fix this issue and asking if others had dealt with the same problem. I even said my guys took full responsibility, yet were asking for a small change to make it less likely to happen again - like it always was the whole season until a few weeks ago. Your comments aren’t helpful or based in an experience in this game level.