Are the mods just ignoring us?

I just want to know if the tier 4 class catalysts were intentionally given to everyone in compensation, or was it a mistake and they were supposed to be fragment crystals...
another account I played partially and missed the first few days, and I got NOTHING
I'm not going to try to be smart to double-check or to complain when once awhile there's something good for the players
Otherwise, like the saying in this forum - WE WILL NEVER GET ANYTHING NICE for the players
The last thing I'm expecting this round is for kabam to pull back the 2xt4cc from those who received it.
You said it already.
Second you played partially. Thus not having the issue everyone that did 100% had.
No compensation.
My second account did partial. No compensation, and that’s actually okay.
Exactly, especially when the gift is better than expected, ok for my 2nd account (almost going to stop playing) to get nothing. no complain at all.
Then I misread
That is the sound of the Mods hiding in the corner.
That is "they are" or "they're" not "their".
Yesssss....I do feel for them cause they have to manage a bunch of unsatisfied customers, BUT it’s their job whether they like it or not.
No, they lurk.