How good is My Roster (One Year )

What champion Should I Rank ? Yesterday I opened my 3 5 Star Crystal And I Got Cyclops ? Today I Opened 4 star Crystal And got Duped Venom And Opened Two 150 Unit Crystal And Got Antman? Will He Be Good if I used Ghost And Wasp With Him?

Thanks For The advice
Thank you
I see you also have the Wolverines... They can be really good for AQ to help you stay alive with their regen.
I will Rank Him Up If I Got Resources
I would say focus on those two, Modok Blade AA and Dormammu. Don’t do anything with carnage until they buff him (won’t happen for months at least)
Well he’s not a One Man Army. People also play casually which I’m sure we find crazy cause most of us are so addicted to this game it becomes more of a job/lifestyle as opposed to a mobile game.
I swear the community here is toxic. OP was simply asking for advice & people think that's an invitation to make brag posts or trash his roster.
OP - I agree with the people saying to focus on Blade & AA. Once you dupe some of your other 4*s like wolvie, DV & SL you'll have a really solid team for questing.
Cool story bro how much did you pay to get that type of luck?? Kidding, don’t care. The guy was simply asking for advice, nothing more or less.
Now to answer the op question... you’re not off to a bad start. Especially already having some impressive champs within just your first year. Focus on Blade, AA, and Wolverine is all I can say. Agent Venom also deserves a little love, but those champs will get you through Act 4 in a breeze. Keep grinding and don’t let the negativity of this community get to you
First of I didn't do anything wrong I still didn't do Act 4 and 5 I Have a life Outside mcoc so you have to respect that
Thanks for the Advice
Thanks for the Support I m Really Thankfully
Thanks For The Advice All the info Noted
Thanks For The Support man I'm really Thankfell
Thank you very match for Advice
One six star in four months? Something ain't adding up
He a big liar
For me, AA has been my MVP moving me through content. In most matchups he is as good as you can get with damage as well as reducing the opponents ability accuracy ( regen, limbo, armor up )
Blade is a wonderful champ and when you get an awakening gem, you should use it on that blade
Lastly, if your looking to get better, check out the following on YouTube: Seatin, Proff Hoff, Dorky Dave, and Bryant Grant. I learned a lot from those guys that helped me improve
Good luck!
I don't know what "played active" means, but an uncollected player can get one 6* champion every four months: you get 2500 shards for full exploration of uncollected difficulty in the monthly event.