Compensation of July

2.5k 5 star hero crystal shards will be a good compensation for all summoner
P.S- i am writing this beacause i saw a discussion where the moderators where asking what compensation should be given to summoner so this is my idea
P.S- i am writing this beacause i saw a discussion where the moderators where asking what compensation should be given to summoner so this is my idea
Even i know that many are not happy due to last update issue with this much compensation but what we can do this will be nice thing i think they should also give some revive potion and health potion of higher level
I'm sorry, but where did you see moderators asking what compensation should be given?
In any case, should any compensation be given, it will likely contain units, revives, potions, and other stuff for the overheating issue.
1500 5 star shards
500 4 star shards
2 1650 team revive Alliance
3 some sort of team potion alliance
2 40% team
2 some sort of team
A week of halls of healing
Nothing spectacular but better than nothing.
100% agree with this. Not even close to what was missed out on by playing sparingly/not at all for nearly 3 weeks, and enduring awful gameplay when we did.
Dr. Zola
should be a more than that.
I'd say:
5k 5* shard
1k 4* shards
t4b shards or full catalyst
potions and revives
energy refills
4500 5* shard
4000 4* shard
5 energy refill
5 lvl health potion
and 5 PHC
5 Tier Basic ISO-8
500.000 Gold
2 Greater Boost Attack
2 Cinematic Crystal
Done We Hope Kabam Give Us
well I would like wish lists .....
although they are entertaining
2 t4cc
1 4* Crystal
5k 5* Shards
300 Units
5 Energy Refills
3 lvl 2 team revives
5 lvl 2 revives
3 lvl 4 AQ Pots
3 lvl 3 AQ Pots
2k Glory
250k Gold
I also tend to put next to no value on things like PHC and Cinematic crystals—they are like the bamboo steamer tossed in with the set of Ginzu knives you’ve bought on TV at 3AM. Instead, a T4b or T1a allotment makes a little more sense if people (like me) simply decided to forego those arenas to keep their phones from frying. Shards were definitely missed out on, whether by not being able to complete all EQ levels, all rifts or compete in champion arenas—meaning a hefty dose of shards should be at the base of whatever restitution gets distributed.
I also think there should just be a simple “apology multiple” added on everything. Call it a retention bonus for players who stuck around for the worst gaming month of MCoC since 12.0.
Dr. Zola
Nothing less than a full t2a a fully formed 5* and 2000 units will be acceptable for the state of the game we had to put up with
I seriously can't believe they have not figured this out yet.
This sounds reasonable for me.
I would say though, 2k 5*, and instead of halls of healing, I would bring the gold realm
Remember they said it won’t be anything in that likes. You have to remember we didn’t miss out on a fully formed t2a, unless you had issues inning LoL.
Reasonable to us isn’t reasonable to them cuz in the end they want to make money. I agree we deserve more, but thinking in a business perspective, we won’t get much lol
I wouldn’t mind that either, i have so many 5 stars and continue pulling new ones. It’s heart breaking lol, more shards means more chances of duping.
They have costumers? What sort of costumes do they do? Lol
Then that’s a clever way to avoid ever having to award relief—just establish a nigh impossible precondition.
Dr. Zola