How do Black Panter (Civil War)'s furies stack?

SassyMastySassyMasty Member Posts: 315
Black Panther (Civil War) has a synergy with killmonger which grants him a +30% attack fury when parrying for a few seconds. I was wondering if anyone knew if multiple parries (you can stack them) increase his attack the way I think it does, that is, parry 3 times and increase attack by 90%.


  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    SassyMasty wrote: »
    Black Panther (Civil War) has a synergy with killmonger which grants him a +30% attack fury when parrying for a few seconds. I was wondering if anyone knew if multiple parries (you can stack them) increase his attack the way I think it does, that is, parry 3 times and increase attack by 90%.

    Find a Drax easily accessible in a quest and use the synergy to test. If you parry his medium, it counts as two parries since it’s a two hit attack.
  • XxOriginalxXXxOriginalxX Member Posts: 1,324 ★★★
    Yeah, it helps with chain parry stuns, do two mediums and then parry again, lotsa fury
  • Mitchell35Mitchell35 Member Posts: 1,897 ★★★★
    V1PER1987 wrote: »

    Find a Drax easily accessible in a quest and use the synergy to test. If you parry his medium, it counts as two parries since it’s a two hit attack.

    I tested this on the gpgttm drax and it’s only one fury per parry stun, not one per each of drax’s hits.
  • PincheChingonPincheChingon Member Posts: 99
    SassyMasty wrote: »
    Black Panther (Civil War) has a synergy with killmonger which grants him a +30% attack fury when parrying for a few seconds. I was wondering if anyone knew if multiple parries (you can stack them) increase his attack the way I think it does, that is, parry 3 times and increase attack by 90%.

    Yeah you can stack Furies. I’ve been able to stack 4 at best. Since fury’s run out or opponents are dead.

  • Mitchell35Mitchell35 Member Posts: 1,897 ★★★★
    Oh yeah you can stack them for sure
  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    Mitchell35 wrote: »

    I tested this on the gpgttm drax and it’s only one fury per parry stun, not one per each of drax’s hits.

    Ah darn that’s a bummer. I wonder why his mechanics vary so much. Only counts as one hit when it comes to limber and triggering BP fury but counts as multiple hits against things like Abom and AA poisons.
  • LysiszeroLysiszero Member Posts: 296
    You gain 1 fury per parry. Opponents like drax with hits like the 2 hit medium still only count as 1 parry as parry/stun can not be stacked. The synergy does not state how many stacks possible but I have only managed 3 stacks before they are expiring. I Personally don't use bpcw, just keep him In team with killmonger for the synergy then I have modok, gwenpool and doc oc for there synergies and utility.
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