Be honest kabam, what’s the real drop rate on featured 5*?

95% colossus, spider Gwen, winter soldier, and groot
5% everyone else?
5% everyone else?
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Yeah, he’s a top option for LoL easy path now.
I have r5 blade and have done 5 of 7 paths.
Kinda irrelevant. Does that diminish how good WS is? It diminishes what you *could* use WS for, but it doesn’t make him a worse champ.
I just made this. R3 WS with KM synergy.
I always like to put Groot on unblockable sp2. He owns that node.
On a side note, did you know it's possible to evade Groot's sp2... without dex.
I did it before. You just have to be a little far away from him, and dash back when he does it like you had dex. Works like a charm.
Welp I got 17 and none of them are those or either mags, cyclops, ip, kk, etc.
Of course my issue is I have a bunch of nice champs like x23 gr iceman modok but the only dupe I've ever pulled is doc ock- nice but I'm not 5/65ing that.
Featured pulls aren't worth it. For the price of 2 featured I have an extra chance with basic at not pulling trash.
I am having this struggle right now lol
20-25% was estimated by the players. Now with this featured crystal you have a 4% chance at each champ
Thanks it was so long ago I couldn’t remember for sure.
They have stated that many times
just because you have had bad luck doesnt mean everyone does......
i find it hilarious when i often see people complaining they have bad luck and crystals are rigged whilst they have 1 or 2 gods in their roster......
or they are complaining because out of 120 possible pulls the would only be happy with 5 of them......
you are the one giving yourself a 97% chance of disappointment.....
This. The more champs you pull the more likely you are to get the champ you want. Period. You have a 1/24 chance for every champ in the crystal. Statistics say that you are guaranteed to get the champ you want even if you open 24 of those crystals.
If you have a weak roster, I would suggest waiting until they are in the regular pool and saving up your shards, so you can pull more champs. That would give you more pulls so if you didn't get the champ you desired you have a good chance to get a few decent champs. If you have a stacked roster already and are shooting for a specific champ then I would suggest going for the featured champs.
Really can't complain too much about luck. Have had tons of terrible pulls but you keep opening and occasionally get lucky
of course we assume that....
the whole point of this post is saying that the **** champs are always likely pulls and the good ones are rare.....
how could it be taken any other way?????
there is not information missing here.....
a 5* crystal gives 100% chance of a 5 star champion with an equal possibility of any of the champs contained within that crystal.
the 5* featrured gives a 1/24 chance.
so a 5 star basic crystal contains about 120 champs so you have less than 1% chance to roll any one champ. so it would take you a minimum of 120 crystal openings to see every champ.that is just pure maths before bringing in any rng to it at all.
or with the featured it would take a minimum of 24 before you could eve possibly have everyone once.
it is quite possible and probably that i could and would open 1000 crystals before i pull the GR i want.
there is no need to wear a tin foil hat. there is no hidden info here.