**WE ARE NO LONGER Temporarily Reverting Tier 1 War Ban System**

After further discussion, the game team has made the decision not make adjustements to the ban system.
The previously proposed fix would have resolved the issue for Summoners who are on the cusp of T1/T2 play, and negatively impacted Alliances more securely in T1. Instead, we recommend that cusp Alliances switch to Manual Placement to your members to place the allotted 5 Ban Champions limit there.

Apologies for the back and forth, and for any confusion.

AW Timer takes out more than half of the roster

Haji_SaabHaji_Saab Posts: 5,837 ★★★★★
The battle timer in AQ and AW has been a long pet peeve for me. However, in the recent AW seasons and the competitiveness, this has spiralled totally out of control. A timeout in AW is counted as a death which is a not a desirable result for anyone in AW. To avoid this, people are picking only a handful of attackers just because they have the damage to kill anything within 3 minutes.

This invalidates something like 80% of the roster and I am being generous with that figure. The actual might be closer to >90% for plat / master wars.

Now I understand the initial need for the timer. It was to prevent someone from hogging the alliance fights all day long. Or to prevent pre-12.0 Dr. Strange cheesy tactics where he could stay in battle regening everything. So, the timer needs to stay as these issues can still occur. But I would increase it to something like 5:00 minutes to test first and then more if we can.

Increased timer will allow us to pick champs that have been long assigned to the garbage can but have good utilities. For example, a Juggernaut can potentially shut down Medusa but no one will bring even his 6* Juggs to fight her as he will just time out on any node with +hp which is like all the nodes. Civil Warrior is another champ who should be pretty good against healing nodes but no one in their right mind will bring him in as he will be the time out king. These are just couple of examples of top of my head but you get the gist of it.

TL; DR: The 3 minute AW timer is the real opponent of AW attacker diversity. It pushes people to rank the champs with high damage output only and invalidates the utility that low-damage champs could provide.


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    GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Posts: 36,341 ★★★★★
    All Fights have the same Timer. That's the point. There has to be a limit. Also, Diversity is not an issue with Attack. Never has been. People will always choose the fastest Damage dealers. That won't change regardless.
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    FixxxFixxx Posts: 234
    Haji_Saab wrote: »
    TL; DR: The 3 minute AW timer is the real opponent of AW attacker diversity. It pushes people to rank the champs with high damage output only and invalidates the utility that low-damage champs could provide.

    This is true
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    BayouemBayouem Posts: 98
    I agree with op. There should be a reward for timing out in long fights against massive health having champs. Shouldn’t fight your best and have half of your health and a k.o. for the other side to show for it. Extending the timer would be a good idea.
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    FixxxFixxx Posts: 234
    However, this would affect Kabam's sales--players under time pressure are likelier to make mistakes, which means potions or revives. Hence, players use a host of boosts to not only increase damage output but confidence as well

    Even the AW boosts can only be used for three minutes--consumed so quickly to encourage players to buy them twice as soon as they are available for 10k loyalty each

    A mod will simply claim to take this idea to the team, if one of them even decides to read this
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    VoluntarisVoluntaris Posts: 1,198 ★★★
    use boosts
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    TitoBandito187TitoBandito187 Posts: 2,072 ★★★★
    Your attack team doesn’t have to be diverse. Diversity is for defender placement. Always use your strongest champs or best counters for your path. Are you bringing lesser champs into monthly uncollected EQ end game content too? For the most part, I have no choice to use my best there as well, with a handful of exceptions.
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    take away AW timers, or the death penalty from timeout and people will exploit the system.

    I don't know if the timeout is related to force quitting, but the result is the same, you end with half health. I don't think anyone wants to play where force quitting is a viable strategy.

    Removing the timeout penalty can be exploited by using healers, especially those who heal a burst with low health. Play until you heal, pause, take the timeout, live to fight another day.

    The timeout penalty sucks but at long as its applied fairly across the board, I am OK with it. It is far from a system that is "breaking the game." Its more an inconvenience that is in place to keep the game mode fair and competitive.
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    HulksmasshhHulksmasshh Posts: 742 ★★★
    I’d have to disagree and think the timer is not the problem. The longer fights go, the more block damage you’ll take and more opportunities to mess up. Extending the timer isn’t a solution to expanding the list of viable attackers. It would definitely be nice to have, but I don’t think it would change much of anything.
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    GrimmbananaGrimmbanana Posts: 711 ★★
    dont do wars if you dont like the timer cause i know for a fact kabam wont extend it
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    Haji_Saab wrote: »
    mutamatt wrote: »
    take away AW timers, or the death penalty from timeout and people will exploit the system.

    I don't know if the timeout is related to force quitting, but the result is the same, you end with half health. I don't think anyone wants to play where force quitting is a viable strategy.

    Removing the timeout penalty can be exploited by using healers, especially those who heal a burst with low health. Play until you heal, pause, take the timeout, live to fight another day.

    The timeout penalty sucks but at long as its applied fairly across the board, I am OK with it. It is far from a system that is "breaking the game." Its more an inconvenience that is in place to keep the game mode fair and competitive.

    I understand why the timer is there. I also understand the health penalty on it. I am asking the timer to be increased.

    i think that's a fair request, increasing the timer just increases the risk associated with the fight. Its really hard to survive for 3 minutes on a lot of these nodes, 5 minutes would be more difficult.

    It would also allow a lot of main bosses to be solod. Like Morningstar, she is a great boss because you need to use bleed immunes, and bleed immunes are typically weaker on attack. Shes not a difficult champ to fight, but a difficult champ to beat in the time. So changing the timer inevitably shifts things a bit.

    I cant think of a downside of increasing the timer, as long as the penalties remain.
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    Maat1985Maat1985 Posts: 2,237 ★★★★
    surely there is something that can be done here......

    there are soooo many champs that cant be used in war because they are too slow......

    there are also defenders like Juggs and KG that can only be decent because they take so long to kill
    3mins is a very short amount of time.....
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    CFreeCFree Posts: 491 ★★
    Maat1985 wrote: »
    surely there is something that can be done here......

    there are soooo many champs that cant be used in war because they are too slow......

    there are also defenders like Juggs and KG that can only be decent because they take so long to kill
    3mins is a very short amount of time.....

    Your last point means that shorter timers help because defenders like KG and Juggs take a long time to kill. Reducing the 3 min timer will make them easier to take out.
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