I was part of the outcry for carnage. But, now that I see him, it's just tragic. He's honestly pathetic. In the comics, spidey AND venom only barely stood a chance against him
So yeah. I'm mad and disappointed
So yeah. I'm mad and disappointed
Took GraphiksInk 588 hits to down ROL Winter Soldier with him ... Carnage doesn't even seem as "strong" as Luke Cage ... and Luke Cage can at least stun and is bleed immune.
Really just a sad state of affairs.
Carnage should be more unique. Such as an ability to ignore evade.
(I saw the Spotlight and the first thing that stood out to me was his low base stats but that was about it
I still like this character and I wish kabam do something do make it right.
Apparently, the fight against WS in RoL is not long enough ...
They get an F-
Then I saw seatins and other people's videos about him and how long it took them to kill their opponent and I lamented further. Then I fought him and then got him an used him and now I wish he never came to the game.
They took an see awesome and powerful character and turned him into absolute garbage who doesn't really seem to have any use. His hits are weak, his stats aren't good, his buffs take to long, his defense isn't to good either.
I wish they would look at him and completely revamp him like they did to some of the other characters.
I'm still waiting Kabam to fix this champ description to Garbage.
A lot of cool ideas have been said and no one answer from any mod in there, just, they will look into.
The fact he ins't as a Boss in the new Spider Event, just shows how poor is him.
Miike response on post event, seems pretty a excuse to say he is a garbage tier.
he hits like a pillow, his l3 is nothing like in the comics cause he rarely uses tentacles, his bleed goes away too fast and the bleed is weak. hes "carbage" ayeeeee
Luke cage's durability is great, making him really good in AW defence and he's also bleed immune. Compared to Carnage, he cannot take a hit.
Look at this new tech spidey.
His damage is huge
He auto baits specials
He reduces evasion
He has a base evasion and gets added evasion vs specials.
And can power drain.
(Probably more too)
And all of these things are quite easy to achieve.
From everything I've read and my experience playing a 3*, he seems like a well thought out and highly tested champion.
(Why give Spider-Man evasion reduction and not venom and carnage?)
Carnage on the otherhand:
Low base stats
Low damage
Long buildup times (and are dispellable buffs)
His bleeds are awkward to generate.
His sig seems weak
And he has zero utility.
Plus he's hard countered by bleed immune and dispell champs.
Plus his 'niche' is long fights according to Kabam but a lot of the content has timers capping the time you can fight (if you even can survive that long due to poor stats and no regen)
That's not balanced.
That's not fun.
How can these champs be in the same game?
I've got a R3 5* and I've been using him heaps in different scenarios, trying to find a redeeming quality, but he's literally got nothing.
I want to believe Kabam will fix him, but they 'Fixed' spidergwen too and she's still below par with a useless mode.