Dungeons and the direction of the game

Dungeons is sooooooooooooooooooooo boring and it reminds me of when I was a kid saving my pocket money up to buy something, it takes ages to get anything.
Why is it now everything takes ages and this shift to “ long term play for reward”
A month for a chance to get a 5* crystal that only gives you a basic dupe if you don’t pull a new champ.
Let’s have triple the points to make it a month event and then another event next month,
Oh and why I’m here when you said you were going to shake up the “alliance events” out of interest reducing taking 2 days off an exsisting event is not really refreshing it’s either down right lazy or some serious lack of vision.
Why is it now everything takes ages and this shift to “ long term play for reward”
A month for a chance to get a 5* crystal that only gives you a basic dupe if you don’t pull a new champ.
Let’s have triple the points to make it a month event and then another event next month,
Oh and why I’m here when you said you were going to shake up the “alliance events” out of interest reducing taking 2 days off an exsisting event is not really refreshing it’s either down right lazy or some serious lack of vision.
Also you always had to wait for rewards so I dont see why you think dungeons are so bad
Glad they give full dupes as the last ones didn’t, and no you didn’t have to wait for rewards
Ie all 3 day events are a 3 day wait not as you earn them
Aq is now 5 days not as you earn them
And aw is a month
And last dungeons was about a 1/3 of the time
Didn’t say I didn’t like them there just boring and piss easy to get the milestones
The format is fine but the drip feeding rewards is a joke, I’m all for new things but when they do it once and the next one is 3 times as long it’s a joke, we all know it’s to keep us coming on the game as much as possible.
Boring and tedious is the gwenpool goes to the movie event.
It always took a long time to get a 5* champ is what i meant there. I thought we were still talking about the 5* crystals
Yes that parts quicker but 27 days for a crystal ................
not something you are willing to do, then I wouldn't play. I enjoy them, so the layout is fine with me, the free
crystals is just icing on the cake.