Rank up advise - 4* duped or 5* unduped SL

So as the title suggests, I have a 4* single duped SL, and a 5* unduped SL, at R4 and R2 respectively. I have 4 T4 tech, should I R5 my 4* SL, or should I R3 my 5* SL in hopes I will dupe him in the future, so he can be stronger when R4ed?
I'd go for the 4*. Later on, if you Dup the 5*, you can get more Resources.
I see. It's a decent choice since 4* SL has a much better potential than my 5* SL currently. The reason I asked was cuz I factored in the rank-up costs. Because if I rank my 4* SL, but dupe my 5* SL, that would mean I need 10 T4 tech to R4 my 5* SL since I used 3 T4tech for my 4* SL
In other words, it's either a gamble(5* SL) or a safe bet(4* SL)
Well, the effectiveness of the Sig is one factor. Many people use a 4* SL quite effectively for most of what a 5* can do. There's also the idea that an R5 4* with Sig will earn you more Rewards faster.
That's quite true, I may be able to earn T4 tech faster and easier with a 4* R5 SL, good points.
Are you going to use 4* SL for anything? Have you finished ROL? Don't just r5 4* SL for nothing. Especially if you don't have t4ccs falling from the skies like some of these other players.
Was kind of thinking for the long run, since my alliance did say that an R4 5* SL would help me greatly for LoL if I ever try it in the future. If I were to rank 4* SL, he will be used for AQ and AW, but mainly AQ, he is very good against Dormammu for me.
If there isn't a big rush I would not rank up that 4*. But that's just me. he won't help you get t4ccs any faster. I ended up duping my 5* SL after ranking up another tech and I'm still trying to get the t4cc to rank 4 him to do LOL.
I see, I'll continue saving just in case I get a 5* SL, and if I reach max tech capacity, I'll rank my 4* SL
Do you have an R5 yet?
I have a few 4* R5s: Thor, Sym Spidey, Winter Soldier, NC and Captain America WWII
I have one R3 5*: Iron Man
I have one R4 5*: Magik
Ah. OK. It's up to you. I still say it's better to R5 the 4*. It may be a while before you Dup the 5*. If you had no R5's I'd definitely suggest it. Lol.
You can change it. Switch to the Full Site and go to your Profile.
Doing LOL why even bother?
Maybe you didn't bother to actually read, but I said:
Shut up and take your Anti-SL talks somewhere else, I'm asking on who to rank up, don't come here making a third option just cuz you don't like him.
Thanks for your insights! As mentioned before, I'll probably wait until my T4 tech starts overflowing or if my next 1-2 5* crystals don't give any SL. No harm in waiting until then!
Its up to him. It depends on what he wants and besides, all players are different.
I pulled a 5* SL over 2 years ago; 19 5* crystals later, he is still unduped.
All while my sig 99 5/50 4* SL has been my pride and joy helping me get through the toughest content in this game (aside from LoL)
I'll take note of your advise for future decisions, we all learn from mistakes, be it ours or others, so thanks for the info!
Also, my alliance mate is actually doing one LoL path with his 4* SL, maxed. He's already almost half way through after spending all his potions plus a few hundred or thousand units, so you probably still have a chance!
Wow, is your Magik R4 though?
Whew, nice Magik. My own Magik is also a 5* R4, except she is triple duped plus like one or two sig stones, so 63.
I won't be attempting LoL anytime soon (watch as "someone" conveniently uses this as "evidence" that I am never going to do LoL ever), but I'll eventually do it in the future, especially with T4cc being more available.