Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

5.4.6 Difficulty



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    Kobster84Kobster84 Posts: 2,898 ★★★★★
    Strikerrx8 wrote: »
    Try solo with no medusa n bad 4 stars
    You don’t have bad 4 stars mate they’re basically all god tiers you also have a really good counter for the ultron can I ask did you even stockpile on units and potions before you went into this fight
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    Strikerrx8Strikerrx8 Posts: 1,090 ★★★
    Nop i went in with no clue
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    Kobster84Kobster84 Posts: 2,898 ★★★★★
    Strikerrx8 wrote: »
    Nop i went in with no clue

    Don’t call it a cash grab if u didn’t know what you were doing
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    Maat1985Maat1985 Posts: 2,237 ★★★★
    Strikerrx8 wrote: »
    Try solo with no medusa n bad 4 stars

    it seems you know you dont have the right champs....
    so knowing ur champs are not good enough then you know the problem....

    the problem is not ultron....
    the problem is not the nodes...
    the problem is not ultron...

    the problem is you...
    your champs...
    your skill...
    the level of your champs....
    some combination of those.....

    simple solution....
    get better...
    get better roster...
    come back when stronger....
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    LetLet Posts: 11
    I oneshot with r2 5* loki It aint that hard Im lvl 52 with only 7 r5 4* champs no units spent the collector is a much harder fight imo.
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    I’m puzzled still why the rush? Just to rank up IMIW? But what has ranking up IMIW got to do with running Elders’ Bane?

    Your IMIW is R2 atm. You don’t need alpha2. You need class and basic catalyst, iso, alpha1 and plenty of gold to go R3, let alone R4. So I really don’t get why the rush not unless you have all of the above resources except alpha2! And to be frank, an unduped IMIW is not useful at all if you decide to have him for AW Defence.

    And I honestly hope you have sufficient storage to keep these precious item! Losing precious resource like alpha2 in 30 days because you don’t have the proper resource for rank up is all on you.

    Going in ‘blind’ is also another very poor decision. Your may be fortunate to run easy path but your roster is certainly insufficient to 100% other paths.

    I’ll suggest you give it a ‘rest’ if you fail on the next attempt. The content will not go away. So try again when your roster is more diverse. It is not doing you any good if you are thinking of ‘powering through’.
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    CrazyPotatoCrazyPotato Posts: 20
    I smashed him with my 4/40 medusa so it's definitely not a cash grab.
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    IOSJasoNIOSJasoN Posts: 645 ★★★
    Aleor wrote: »
    Ordalca wrote: »
    I was infuriated by your claim of ultron being a cash grab, so I decided to go burn off some energy:


    shouldn't 2* die from one hit? don't tell me it took you 26 hits to finish him

    It's possible..
    Duped Loki gains sp1 in a couple of seconds..
    Parry when Ultron has power buff use sp1 and steal it..
    Instant sp3 = curse
    Then it depends if he keeps bringing up that fury buff with that it only takes a few hits to crush him like a tin can..
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    DshuDshu Posts: 1,503 ★★★★
    There are lots of ways to beat him now. I used void Angela aou vision and sl to solo him. Just because your skills aren't up to par for him doesn't mean he is as money grab. Wait till you have a better roster or more skill and do it or except the penalty of having to pay to play the game
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    MikeyBoi69MikeyBoi69 Posts: 139
    The collector was a cash grab. He just requires a different play style. I beat him with SL and blade. Just fight him as a stun immune and be ready for the evade every 6 seconds
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    BapoiBapoi Posts: 995 ★★★
    edited September 2018
    MikeyBoi69 wrote: »
    The collector was a cash grab. He just requires a different play style. I beat him with SL and blade. Just fight him as a stun immune and be ready for the evade every 6 seconds

    Also not true.
    Granted, it's not going to be a fight without using resources. Claiming it's a money grab is just false.

    Did Collector on two accounts (main is act 5 100% now), and in both cases, not a single penny was spent on Collector. He did grind into my stash of revives, but that's it. I planned ahead for that fight. As anyone should going for it.

    Stop calling content a money grab when it simply isn't. Even LoL isn't a money grab if you plan ahead.

    Edit: misread your comment, where you (it seems) left out the 'not' in the money grab sentence. In which case, I do agree with you and not with the one saying Collector was a money grab....
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    2nd_slingshot2nd_slingshot Posts: 233
    I brought 2 Medusa's, I used Loki at first, his play style didn't suit me. maxed 4star Medusa and 5star rank 3 Medusa. he's not so hard as long as you bring counters. as for your nebula she has **** block proficiency so learn intercepting or use both a health and champion boost to help her health. I remember with my Medusa every successful parry still cost me 400hp
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    MonasouMonasou Posts: 143
    i just finished my 100% of 5.4 and had more trouble with the buffet lane with antman and kingpin than against the ultron boss. 4* medusa. shatter armor. GG. he literally does nothing the entire fight.
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    Mitchell35Mitchell35 Posts: 1,897 ★★★★
    I could literally bring a 3 star Loki, or a 3 star Medusa, and with maybe two fights to practice, solo that fight
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    Strikerrx8Strikerrx8 Posts: 1,090 ★★★
    I am grinding arena hard will use every unit possible to beat him with nebula i dont take defeat kindly i am going to get those rewards no matter what
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    Strikerrx8Strikerrx8 Posts: 1,090 ★★★
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    Strikerrx8Strikerrx8 Posts: 1,090 ★★★
    Ty for everybody giving me advice n talking mess to me keep me modivated to not give up coudent have done it without u all
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    B_Dizzle_01B_Dizzle_01 Posts: 1,637 ★★★
    Congrats bro.
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