Pvp wins
Of late I’ve encounterd a few acount with absurd lvl of wins in pvp. I know that i am average a best in pvp. What im looking for is a form to out ppl cheating the system. Keep the play fair for all. Any advice. Is welcome.
I'm sitting at 98721 PVP fights in roughly 3 years.
That's all arena added up together, for someone who takes sometimes weeks of not doing any arena to speak of.
What did you come across that seemed to be so high to you?
If you did arena 24/7 for 4 years straight, meaning not even getting up to go the bathroom or look at something for a split second... 420,000 PvP would be a lot.
That would actually roughly be 2,100,000 fights, without sleeping.
Sleeping 8 hours a day (16/7 playtime) would be 1,400,000 pvp wins.
Playing 2 hours a day, every day, for 4 years straight, would get 175,000 wins. There are those that do more than that I'm sure.
Numbers based on 1 fight every minute, including all loading times.
You meant win streak in arena?
That's a whole different ball game.
That's where I have 725 or something.
That's from a weekend worth of serious arena, but without losing sleep or disregarding the needful things.
I (and I think everyone) was under the assumption you meant total PVP fights, which is a different category altogether.