
So im assuming after playing for this last week that you guys have said to yourselves you dont care about fixing the lag anymore because this is by far the worst I've seen it and not 1 thing to adress the issue. Crashing is at an epic high and i get a generic response from customer service because your game crashes in the middle of a fight and you clearly have nothing in place in war and aq to recognize that its the servers fault and not the player quitting the game. This results in my hard earned resources being used instead of the company fixing the problem!!! What a joke!!!
Granted, after half an hour or so of playing arena (noticed if I just run quest it doesn't occur), my device warms up and then eventually lag settles in in the form of slow everything. Clear sign to put awayt the ipad for a while then.
What you're describng however, I haven't noticed myself.
But what I pointed out is that your problem might not be Kabam's to solve. Sorry if that didn't come across.
I'm not denying any issues with the game, absolutely not, but what you're describing simply doesn't apply to me, and if it doesn't, I'm fairly certain I'm not the only one that's not affected. I'm not downplaying your issues, I hope they get solved somehow, but generalizing that it's all Kabam (as it would seem from the wording), also doesn't help any.
The one thing I have noticed a hell of a lot more this week is dropped frames..
I go to use a sp (jump in the screen) blocked..
I pull back (jump in the screen) their on top of me..
After they use a sp I go to run in (jump in the screen) I'm blocked or intercepted..
It can be really frustrating, but on the other hand you can't snap at another player for stating their not having the issue (It's great for them that their not lol).. The problems I've had are mainly on the iPhone X where as its barley happened on my Android devices..
Have at it! You da man! You rock!