Emma Frost: who decided the inverted controls activation?

First time ever that i see inveted controls applied BEFORE the animation even starts on special.
WHich is absolutely bonkers and idiotic. You can't release a character where you have to pray and guess she about to use a special attack while you're dashing forward to actually evade it back. It's idiotic on so many levels it isn't even funny.
Inverted controls should trigger AFTER the special, not 0.1 seconds BEFORE she actually cast it. On top, a SW alike one being invisible.
Get your guys to work on this cause i never really felt so much scammed in my player life. You can't play a game of 50-50 without giving an option to predict a special coming. Absolutely f*** up and i never EVER go this out of the polite way.
Either activate inversion of controls after the 1st hit of her special letting us deal with inverted evading for the rest of the hits incoming or activate the debuff AFTER the whole cast.
As it is, this is one of the worst spits in the face and lack of intelligence into char development ever. @Kabam Miike @Kabam Vydious
WHich is absolutely bonkers and idiotic. You can't release a character where you have to pray and guess she about to use a special attack while you're dashing forward to actually evade it back. It's idiotic on so many levels it isn't even funny.
Inverted controls should trigger AFTER the special, not 0.1 seconds BEFORE she actually cast it. On top, a SW alike one being invisible.
Get your guys to work on this cause i never really felt so much scammed in my player life. You can't play a game of 50-50 without giving an option to predict a special coming. Absolutely f*** up and i never EVER go this out of the polite way.
Either activate inversion of controls after the 1st hit of her special letting us deal with inverted evading for the rest of the hits incoming or activate the debuff AFTER the whole cast.
As it is, this is one of the worst spits in the face and lack of intelligence into char development ever. @Kabam Miike @Kabam Vydious
Magneto now
Unstoppable collosus
Their helmets protect them from it.
you need to dash forward 2 times when she fires sp1 right?
In her special abilities
Granted, a large portion of the playerbase plays this game because it has fighting in it.
Then there are those that actually did more than go the cinema and have read the comics. Those that read the comics know who to bring. Indeed, time for the Juggys and Maggies to finally shine. If only against one champ..
please show me where its stated
Emma seems much better suited in the hands of a player on offense compared to defense
Overall, the fight reminds me of the IW Thanos quite a bit. Except this time you have to go through it like 6 times instead of 1.
How about here
Its in her abilities and they told us beforehand about it so we get a general idea about it and who could be good to use against her.
then it should be stated in her signature ability not hidden. not just stated on the forums. not everyone sits and reads forums.
Oh yes, it must be the kabamese for MS_ID_UI_STAT_FORMAT_EMMA_SIG_DF, because I swear it is NOT in the first bullet point.
It might be due to one of the bugged string ID tags, but it actually isn't listed in her abilities description and it is almost certainly an erroneous omission.
Probably. Miike said it in the 20.0 update so I figured it would have to be there somewhere. I havent gotten to play her yet so I cant check if I can see it on my end.
Event is perfectly fine, no problems. The champion isn't. The repercussions are much heavier looking at seasons and wars than the event.
To be more precise, i tested her with a plethora of diff champions before wrecking the living poop out of her with ease with the right ones.
The problem here is not "how hard" it is. it is taking out any "skillfull" play in exchange for a 50/50 bet of nailing the special incoming hence moving forwards to be able to dodge backwards or just end up running into her and eat a combo in the face.
While event you can easily block and evade second parts, unblockable nodes won't be that family friendly in wars. and again, inversion should trigger after the first hit of her specials for that precise reasons. NONE with half a brain would run to her "hoping" she' ll use a special.
They took off the right of decision completely, which in a game is BAD.
Again, you have to consider all content before giving an evaluation of the champion. In event you can just block first hit without risking to gamble dashing forward to fight the inversion, and evade the other part easily.
War with unblockable nodes means you won't have that safeguard, so it'll come down to try and guess she's about to special and dash forward to evade it. And given war nodes, means you are betting 50% chanches of being ista killed, being it not taking the risk of dashing or taking it and eating a combo.
None of the mentioned counters will ever see light in alliance wars as attackers.
Taking away the right of even being able to bait a special is pure scum.
In a scenario where you can't block a hit, this character relies completely on luck and no skills. Unless you manage to nail 100% times when she about to land a special. Else it's a +1 in death counter every single sp1.
Take a look at my screenshot above. It costed me my complete run.
It is in that bugged out string of code
there's literally no guessing here. she has a tell when she performs her special as does everyone. she gets me with the habit of swipping back to evade it.
My point exactly. We've heard this same story over and over. The event is fine except for-
Red Skull/Hydra Adaptoid
People complain the first couple days then they beat the content and we move to the next. Lets meet back here next month so we can have the same conversation again but different champ.
We still don't match on the argument. Event is perfectly fine, it's a single fight, it's a single player section and doesn't have any BS nodes really.
War on the other side is another story entirely.
Yes thats what I'm saying. Last EQ it was Hydra Adaptoid and Red Skull, before that it was IMIW, before that Domino, before that it was Thanks so on and so forth. It's always 1 fight and people scream nerf and BS and then videos start coming out with ways to beat the fights and then we move on. Same cycle, different EQ. Hold off for a few days and wait for some YouTube content to come out. Watch it and then go beat her. Wait for next EQ and I'll see you back here when you complain about the next champ in that EQ you can't "beat".
I wouldn't argue with him, it's like talking to a wall. Him and a few others (I'm sure you know who) don't let anyone think a certain way, they always have to jump into every thread saying kabam is right and everyone else is wrong. Or try to shove their opinions down everyones throat, once we get a block button everything will be better here.
missing description is so lame
You do realize that that exact statement means you're doing the exact same thing towards the other? Opinions differ.
You think your way, other think their way. It sparks discussion. If you don't like counter arguments, make better ones.
I'm not saying right or wrong, nothing of the sort. But I agree, a block button would help. You do realize it's there don't you? Might want to look for it.