Act 5.4.5 Debuff immune Classic Spider
I never realized how potential Killmonger is.. I used Karnak (meh!) Cable (Oh no!) but nothing impressed to one-shot.. My boy right here is rank 4 and level 1 (unloaded a generic gem but no sig stones).. in my opinion, Killmonger is the number one Skill champ once you play him right and being aware of your enemy. I just wanted to show this because lots seemed troubled with this fella..
I agree with you. But having gr and Sparky both at R4 and having blade as only skill guy worthy enough, I had to rank him up. And after ranking up blade, I completed act 5. Just today I pulled km whom I've been wanting since so long. Finally but alas can't rank him up. Zero skill cats at the moment. Is km a worthy attacker unduped? By the way I have all 3 Trinity guys at R4 and unduped.
Well i believe its better to have both trinities ready for the content we are gonna face in the near future.. starky gr and blade might have ruled the game earlier but with new bs nodes n passive abilities, killmonger void and sabretooth will be ruling the game for sometime.. and to answer your question, killmonger is worth r4ing atleast unduped n r5 when duped
Sure I'll take him to R4 as and when I have resources ready for it. Unfortunately I have void in 4 star and no sabertooth. Thankyou for helping out. Just 1 last curiosity. As I completed act 5, I got few t2as. Now I'm torn between r5ing Sparky (unduped) or r4ing LC (duped r3) or r4ing the latest entrant km ( unduped) . I also have AA unduped at r3. Would like to know your thoughts on this. Thankyou again.
Well im no expert in this area but i would highly suggest r5ing starky as you already have the trinity ready n he doesn't rely much on his dupe either
Thankyou. I am taking opinion from lot of ppl. I'm also thinking to R5 spark. As I feel that will be a big boost.
This also depends on your mastery setup. Can you share your mastery setup?
Thank you Valuka! Practice makes it perfect..
Likewise champ