Are danger rooms worth it?

I am an early to mid-range fighter. I just got to a point where I have 20+ new 4 star fighters that need to be ranked up.
Is it worth to divert the ISO I could use on 4 star fighters to a bunch of 2 star fighters and stunt my overall progression?
Is it worth to divert the ISO I could use on 4 star fighters to a bunch of 2 star fighters and stunt my overall progression?
Are danger rooms worth it? 135 votes
I need higher than t3c resources, but earning it is slow and powering up 2 star fighters seems to be a waste.
I am kind of at "wall" right now.
My gold hangs around 1.5 mil, when it dies get higher, a 4 star champ rank-up knocks it back down.
I am focusing on getting them all to rank 3 maxed for AW.
I have a broken thumb right now, so Act 4 and daily events above hard I can't play too well.
So basic T4C earning is slow.
I could use some practice to Perry better though.
Base hero raking 79k. 1 5 star champ, Venompool.
not that great but chill, i like to use 2* and 3* in new quests
Finaly Kabam found a way they can be usefull.
I like that very much!
Think of the 2* arena last year that grants at 1 Million points a 5*
That was awesome.
Add up all the shards and fragments and in the end they’re worth it as a quick event that pays off over time
they already did that after the first day. cauze Master was more dificult than epic.
i understand it that way it stays now as it is. and even the Gwenpool Event was full doable with 2*. Even Epic, with a fistfull skill...
Waste of resources.