I was doing it for fun and got it in an hour and 40 min.
Same here. I came in at 1:38 without any effort just switching masteries to suicides.
With boosts I'm sure <1:30 is possible.
I just saw Brian Grant do it in under 1:05.
Not doubts about that. R4 5* GP is probably the fastest champ for this challenge. I think the 1 to 1.5 hour estimation is about right. May be lower since a bunch of people tend to go for these since they are significantly shorter than a monthly quest.
Im didt it in 1.45 and ikow im culd done better so im also sure im didt make the cout to the legende But the free reward wash Nice. My bigese isuce wash blak spidey shuld have. Take Magik to kil him.
45 min fels a joke. But. Im Think it Can be done. Im make alot of mistake networke problems take 30 more min for me so 1 and 30 mint culd im have done But didt in 1 and 45 minut so ikow for sure im not wil get the legends bages
Same here. I came in at 1:38 without any effort just switching masteries to suicides.
With boosts I'm sure <1:30 is possible.
I just saw Brian Grant do it in under 1:05.
Not doubts about that. R4 5* GP is probably the fastest champ for this challenge. I think the 1 to 1.5 hour estimation is about right. May be lower since a bunch of people tend to go for these since they are significantly shorter than a monthly quest.
wasnt a full run, he skipped to the last boss on one of the maps, think map 3
lol full of jokes tout