Are my champions good enough to become Uncollected?

I'm almost done with Act 4, and I'm wondering if my champions are good enough to become Uncollected. If not, what champions should rank up?
Also, which of my champions are best used in Alliance War?
Any help with my roster would be greatly appreciated.

Also, which of my champions are best used in Alliance War?
Any help with my roster would be greatly appreciated.

Also has 2 Sparks so Starlords kinda redundant. I was more surprised to see Blade so low lol
I'd say a good gauge is when you can beat monthly quest master mode with no potions/revives. It doesn't hurt to try though. I fought YJ at the beginning of 5.2.4 like 100X probably.
That's was my thinking with starlord. Plus Sparks is more fun to play.
I just got Blade a few days ago, I just need more t4b now
Thanks! I think I'll take your advice and rank up blade and my 5* before going for uncollected. I just need a ton of t4 catalysts
I'd wait until you have at least 3 R5 4*s or 1 r4 5*.
Believe it or not, if you're any good with that Psylocke, I'd consider bringing her along as your fifth wheel. Sometimes, you just need a little power control, and she is extremely underrated with that