What’s your top 3 favorite special attack 3s?
Spidey SE - possibily the best animation for a champion’s personality.
Joe Fixit - I know the champion is trash but I love his Special Attack 3.
Phoenix - While it should be the most powerful in the game, it certainly looks the most powerful. Love the animation.
You favorites?
Joe Fixit - I know the champion is trash but I love his Special Attack 3.
Phoenix - While it should be the most powerful in the game, it certainly looks the most powerful. Love the animation.
You favorites?
Gotta dissagree on vulture but otherwise I agree.
Hill Haydra ! Hill Haydra
Although to me, venom is the most bad@$$ out of all
You can go to shopping and come back still his sp3 ain't gonna finish
Animation - Heimdall
Damage - Proxima Midnight after she’s completed 3 missions
Animation- Sparky, Iceman, Green Goblin
Favorite in general- Gwenpool