Kabam, fix node 31, please!

A couple weeks ago fought ironman infinity war (imiw) with my rank 3 5* corvus glaive. I had 2 persistent charges but he wasn't dealing the damage he should have. I had pulled corvus few days before so i thought maybe i was doing something wrong. Few minutes ago i did the same fight but my corvus is now r4 and i had 3 charges. He deals the exact damage as in a duel where there are no charges. Don't know if i can post videos here but i'll post the links as soon as i'll have them uploaded on youtube,you'll see what i mean.
On node 31 i have 3 charges that should increase the crit damage by 9k. Mediums should deal at least 6k damage.
It states in there that “after achieving 4 stacks of any armor affects” .....this leads me to believe there may be more then one type of armors happening here , one that is molecular armor passive and you cannot see visually and a molecular armor that is visual.
Very confusing!
As mentioned above! Its due to the buffet node! It nullifys your critical buffs at the start of the fight! So corvus effectively has 0 critical damage increase on a buffet node! Hes useless against it