About to do my first Labryinth run. I don't have any suicides. Is that something I should consider
Pretty straightforward. I'm doing practice runs in LoL using the following team (open to team suggestions as well)and my current mastery setup. I can open up any/all masteries if they will help a good bit. Suggestions?
Since I'm not using any of my mystics for this (R5s GR, Voodoo, Dorm, Magik, Hood) I could peel off the MD and move those over to anywhere else. Thanks in advance!
Since I'm not using any of my mystics for this (R5s GR, Voodoo, Dorm, Magik, Hood) I could peel off the MD and move those over to anywhere else. Thanks in advance!
Incorrect sir.
rank 3/3 = "Increase the Attack of all champions by 20% while they're below 50% health"