Emma Frost fight difficult and not fun to play [Edited by Mod for clarity]

Keep making fights like Emma frost (only valid move is intercept) or imiw on certain war modes (only valid move is intercept with heavy). I'm interested to see how many players enjoy the interactive challenge enough to pay for your game.
Post edited by Kabam Dijon on
Guys, it's a challenge but not impossible. There are literally hundreds of YouTube videos of how to beat tough boss fights all the way up through Uncollected AND countering War fights like IMIW. I've gotten my ass handed to me plenty of times and it can be frustrating, but that's also the fun of it when you figure it out and win (not just buying units to revive until it's over, but ACTUALLY learning how to beat a tough fight. Stop b*tching every time you can't win easily
My problem with Emma Frost and her inverted controls is that I wish Kabam would fix the normal controls (lag/unresponsive) before introducing something like that. But there is a better chance of hell freezing over than Kabam fixing control issues.
If your controls don't work, then nothing will help you. But if your controls don't work, I don't know why you're still playing this game, or even how you are still playing this game.
Not trying to be an bleep
I get character freezes all the time My toon just CANT move at all(can’t do anything)
I just not use potions and hope someone can kill the boss
It does take practice, esp evading her specials. Personally, I would love for kabam to put up an arena each month where we fight the bosses at same level of difficulty as the monthly event quest for practice.
Ironically, they came very close to doing exactly that with the Uncanny Danger Rooms, to a firestorm of complaints about how difficult the Uncanny Danger Rooms were.
She's not that difficult with a properly working game (which thankfully I have). Negotiating the oscillate buff was/ is the difficult part in conjunction with her abilities, but once you get the pattern down it's fine and doable with 5/50s (og vision, hype, yondu, magik to name a few I used for master and uc).
Also, in a pinch, block works the same with forward or backwards controls.
Here's the trick : while in oscillate defensive armor mode you just heavy the **** out of her in any form. The diamond form reacts to your power level in relation to hers.
That’s just impatience. That’s on me.
Having faced her numerous times now in Danger Rooms and Master Mode, she is much more manageable. It takes time. That’s the way it should be. I can solo Master mode Emma, and got a couple one-shots on danger room Emma as well.
I realize that UC Emma is a lot more dangerous though. Strong enough that I’ve decided to skip 100% this month, and focus all my resources and boosts on exploration of Act 5.
The rewards for UC EQ are probably worth the units, but I also want to save as much as possible for Cyber Monday.
I don’t
I don’t like this idea at all. How many games let you practice fighting the bosses over and over before actually playing the level? This defeats the purpose of a boss fight and the game itself.
Getting to the end, and taking on the unknown challenge is what makes it rewarding.
Practicing against Mike Tyson hundreds of times before going through Mike Tyson’s Punch Out honestly just seems silly.
If you can slip up/controls mess up a few times in a fight without dying, you can play with a game who's controls dont always work.
I've read (and agreed with) a large number of your posts so I know you understood when I said 5% of the time the controls dont work, means they do work a large percentage of the time. Its the "zero room for error" fights I complain about.
Dorky dave himself labelled this fight as zero room for error.
I just dont find that fun.
I've just never personally witness such a large number of players "skipping 100%" on UC . I skipped the thanos fight. It wasnt for me, and I never said one word about on the forums. Special event, supposed to be the way it was. I dont find those fun. Normal, nobody, champs shouldn't be the same.