What is happening with Arena Timing ??????
So in the featured 5* Arena, I was waiting for my 6* to come back, they should have come back in 22 minutes.
Time flies, 2 minutes left for them, and I go back to check and it has passed to 37 minutes ?? How is that possible ?
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Wolf
Time flies, 2 minutes left for them, and I go back to check and it has passed to 37 minutes ?? How is that possible ?
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Wolf
Why do you ask dumb questions instead of reading and try to understand what I stated ?
Visual bugs or a misunderstood, that what could have happen
Yeah, if that’s not the case, why are you talking about 7h ? 6* Takes 7h to come back ? No I don’t think so, therefore YOU misunderstood
If it’s a visual bug then it’s a bug and has to be corrected
To be fair, 6*s to take 7h to refresh without help requests. They only take 6h 25m to refresh after you receive help 5 times. The problem is the help is randomly being reset.
6*s do not take 7h to refresh. Do your research bro.
Lol you’re right my bad, I was thinking of 5*s. Either way all I’m trying to say is help is bugged.